Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3351: : Need experience

But now, Nightmare Zhuo is no longer there, as long as Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu can do it, they won't be wronged by Yu Qilin.

Some people are gone, but the friendship is still there.

When Hua Sheng finished speaking, he glanced at Nangong Liuyue, but he was not very surprised. After all, she and Jiang Liu both knew what was going on with this guy.

But when I saw it, Hua Sheng still couldn't believe it. In the memory of Nangong Liuyue's indifferent temperament, he could actually do this because he liked it?

This really surprised her. Hua Sheng was really surprised that Nangong Liuyue was obsessed with it, and she didn't hear anything outside the window...

After all, Bai Ran assigned him to help him back then because he wanted to change his temperament. Now it seems that this temperament still depends on fate, and it may not always catch you off guard.

"Yes, when traveling, it's actually just looking around, the outside world is very interesting."

"Presumably the master will be very relieved when he sees me now."

"Uncle, Auntie, the question of time, the Emperor of Heaven also told me, I know, I wanted to tell you, I am ready at any time, but I met Sister Ruier on the road, so I want to talk more face to face It's a moment."

"After all, I am sincere, and I am glad I can help."

Yu Qilin was holding a hand by Hua Sheng, feeling a little strange. She couldn't tell the emotion. Maybe she didn't have such a gentle woman by her side, like a mother.

The host is kind to her, but he has never patted her so caringly. After all, he is a man. How can a woman be careful? Besides, Emperor Fengdu often refused to speak...

And Yu Qilin's mother was gone when she was young, and Yu Qilin did not feel the love of her mother for several days.

And because I have been under the Hell of Fengdu all the year round, and I haven't even touched a few women, now sitting next to Hua Sheng, it is a completely different feeling.

When I was with Jiang Xinrui, it was different.

At this moment, Yu Qilin is really fortunate to be able to help, and she is a little envious of Jiang Xinrui. She has two parents who are the most different among the Three Realms and Six Ways. Looking at it this way, she simply wins life...

As for her, no matter what, she will help Hua Sheng. Yu Qilin wants to see Hua Sheng's different expressions often, only to her...

"Thank you so much."

"There is also Liuyue. If you two are willing, I still have a house in Jiangcheng, which is also in the style of ancient rhyme. You can live in the human world in the past."

Hua Sheng felt the joy of Yu Qilin, this girl really didn't hide her emotions.

In fact, Hua Sheng can also understand that although she is more than 5,000 years old this year, no matter in which sector, she is not young, but she has been in Fengdu for many years. Nightmare is also a boring gourd temperament. Yuqilin’s emotions are difficult. Note that it will not be hidden.

Although the jade unicorn has been representing Fengdu in these years, the face of Emperor Fengdu, no matter what the jade unicorn is, they dare not say anything about it...

Hua Sheng is still in contact with her now, this child is like this, he will not hide himself, happiness and sadness are all shown on his face, and he will inevitably suffer in the future.

It now seems that it is good to hone your temperament outside.

Hua Sheng can only feel it when he first comes into contact with Yu Qilin, let alone the people around him who have been with him for a long time.

Perhaps what Nangong Liuyue likes is her innocence...

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