Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3354: : Bump into the eyes

"When you can tell what you like, you can answer me again. Maybe you don't say it. I will see it myself. At that time, I will know whether I am going or staying, and whether it makes sense."

"They all say that you don't like me in your eyes. It's my wishful thinking. But the feeling of feelings depends on who likes some more. I am the one who likes more, and I am willing to give."

"You don't need to feel pressure. Except for teaching you something, I will still be the same as before, and I won't point fingers at you."

"Just like today, the look in your eyes looking at Chi Feng didn't hide at all. I didn't say much. I just looked at him a few times, and then I didn't look at him. After all, they are still a child. I am a few hundred years old. It's impossible to treat him, I'm not that crazy."

Nangong Liuyue looked at the clouds under her feet, and she felt more relaxed as she talked about it, she didn't feel so heavy anyway.

Some things change angles, change directions, everything becomes different.

It has become simple, he is not obsessed with madness.

Nangong Liuyue is very clear about what she wants. He has worked hard, paid, and fought for. After that, it is a gift from God. If you can't wait, it doesn't belong to you.

For things that do not belong to oneself, it is meaningless to force, but will lose more.

As he said, the current Yuqilin, no matter how old she is, is simply a child who can't tell whether she likes it or not. Her likes are very simple.

It does not rise to the relationship between men and women.

I like Chifeng because Chifeng is very beautiful. There is no doubt about it. I searched the Three Realms and Six Paths and couldn't find one that could compare with Chifeng.

Chi Feng is a delicate and beautiful boy, a man is extremely beautiful, a little feminine, not as handsome as a man, but the most handsome is Jiang Liu...

Faced with such a person, everyone likes it. After all, who doesn't like beauty?

But Nangong Liuyue knows that this is not emotional love, nor is it a deep-seated love.

So he was willing to wait. If one day in the future, Yu Qilin's eyes looking at Chi Feng are not obsessed with beauty, but true love, Nangong Liuyue will give up.

He also has his own pride and will not make the entire fox family look at him crazy.

"I want to go back. There are still a few years left before the agreed time. I will wait for the meeting first."

Listening to what Nangong Liuyue said so much, Yu Qilin didn’t know how to answer for a while. All she thought was going home. Then she turned around and left in the direction of Fengdu, regardless of the complicated Nangong Liu behind her. month.

Even if the owner is no longer there, it is a refuge for him.

When she doesn't know what to do, a place where she can calm down.

She didn't want to stay because of Chi Feng, but also wanted to feel Hua Sheng's mother-like feeling, because she was too excited and completely ignored the other party's thoughts.

Yu Qilin didn't want to untie Hua Sheng's scar, she was not insane.

As for Chi Feng, she didn't think that Nangong Liuyue was right, but now she was not sure.

Recalling that the first time I met Chifeng, it was in the heavens. She went to the heavens to routinely report the situation in Fengdu hell...

Jade Qilin will never forget that day, the heavens are full of flowers, surrounded by auspicious beasts, and magnificent, but when the blazing phoenix appeared, they all became ordinary and eclipsed.

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