Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3360: : Must be unlocked

"Are you sure this is it?"

"This place is really mediocre. I don't have any aura. I used to think Jiangcheng was mediocre. Now, Jiangcheng is really good..."

"At any rate, there is still some aura, this is nothing, why do you have to come here?"

Chi Feng asked with some doubts.

But what is worthy of attention is not Chi Feng's tone, but also his voice is a little dull.

It wasn't that he had turned into a smoky voice, but that Chi Feng's face was wearing a black mask, which was still very thick.

It was his third uncle who said it was so strict.

It was very strict indeed, only showing two eyes, but this was even more abstinent.

But it's also really missing a lot of overly obsessive eyes.

After going back last time, Chi Feng first looked for Fengying very seriously to "chat". He very much suspected that his third uncle was deliberate, and finally the pillar in the main hall of the chat almost broke.

That scene was not much different from that of Fengying and Zhanyue.

But the only difference is that before Fengying lost, this time Chifeng lost.

He couldn't beat his third uncle and was finally put on such a mask.

Fortunately, it worked, otherwise he would have to "chat"

"I'm sure and it must be this."

"This is the address given by my third uncle. It can't be wrong."

"And I didn't let you follow. If you feel uncomfortable, you can go back. I can find it myself. I didn't want to take you with me. You are willing to follow."

"Stop talking in my ears, how long will I not talk about you, and start to get sick again."

Jiang Xinrui wears a goose-yellow mesh long dress, and her big watery eyes are all disgusting with Chifeng.

The main reason is that I have been talking all the way, more than six hundred miles, and my ears are really going to be cocooned.

Before coming, Jiang Xinrui had asked her third uncle, Wang Junxian, repeatedly confirmed, and checked with her father, she must have come without a problem.

She didn't want to go wrong.

As for the two friends of his father, why she only asked one, because the other was very lacklustre recently.

Because of Aunt Feng Xi's affairs, Qin Wanyu has been by her side to untie her knot. Every day, she is worried, and Jiang Xinrui didn't bother.

As for Aunt Feng Xi’s heart, she is really helpless, and her mother said it’s just because of time...

I can only wait for Aunt Feng Xi to put it down a little bit.

Regarding this, Jiang Xinrui can only give Aunt Feng Xi a little more time, and when the matter on her side is almost handled, she will think of a solution.

"Actually, I'm just afraid you will be in vain..."

"Ruier, do you... think it's really okay now? Is it the time? Uncle really agreed? Why do I feel a little unreliable?"

Chi Feng touched his ears, wearing a mask for a long time, and a little ear pain, and his eyes looked at Jiang Xinrui with worry.

Because you cover your face, your eyes become more prominent, especially with worried eyes, and the person watching can't wait to drown in it...

But this doesn't include Jiang Xinrui. Maybe because of the time of contact at this stage, Chi Feng doesn't have a long mouth, and she can still admire the beautiful boy. Just when she talks, she is a bit irritable as a whole.

In her eyes, Chi Feng is a menopausal patient who can talk about it.

Jiang Xinrui couldn't wait to shoot him to death.

"If I don't agree, how can I go so far?"

"This matter will have to be resolved sooner or later, my mother can't get rid of the knot, and my father and I are also worried..."

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