Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3370: : So motion sickness

Jiang Xinrui wanted to laugh, but her good qualities told her not to laugh at this time, because Chi Feng and Wanfeng were very acquainted and were not joking at all.

She suddenly felt very sympathetic to Chifeng's third uncle Fengying.

I also became curious about him, the third majesty of the Demon Realm, what did he do to blame? He was so "concerned" by his two nephews and nieces.

Of course, Jiang Xinrui just chanted these words in her heart, and she would definitely not really ask.

And Chi Feng, Wanfeng sister and brother after discussing their life, quickly stepped forward and caught up with her.

Of course Wanfeng still didn't show up, but Jiang Xinrui knew that she was by Chifeng's side, so she also reserved a place for her.

"Ruier, shall we go back directly? Do you still make a car?"

"Let's find a place where there is no one, cast a spell and go back? The car is too bumpy..."

When Chi Feng said this, he subconsciously looked at his old sister. In fact, he didn't feel anything, but his old sister couldn't stand it because he wanted to vomit...

Chi Feng checked it. This is called motion sickness.

He didn't think that Wanfeng would actually get motion sick.

So when I went back, Chi Feng also felt sorry for the old sister.

When Jiang Xinrui heard Chi Feng's words, she just wanted to say something, turned her head and felt the nervous aura around Chi Feng, and instantly understood what, she didn't like riding in a car?

It's just that there is no car or other means of transportation. The distance is too close, there is no plane, only the bus.

Then there is a train, but it is not a direct train, but it needs to be reversed, or a bus...

In this way, she is a little embarrassed.

It seems that I can only cast a spell and go back.

Because in the human world, unless necessary, Jiang Xinrui's family does not use force to avoid trouble. After all, the more things you expose, the easier it is to encounter something.

This is mutual.

But now there is no better way.

"Well, then it's up to you, but if you cast a spell, it will be very fast. Didn't you just say that you want a spring outing? We can go shopping."

Jiang Xinrui nodded, remembering that there are still some scenic spots around, and Wanfeng also looked forward to it. Jiang Xinrui knew that this sister Wanfeng was also a simple temperament.

Is he still underage?

Of course she has nowhere to go. Somehow she is more than 90 years old, and she is only a teenager.

Moreover, shopping for a while will not be delayed for long.

"Okay, I just heard that there is a Zhaojue Temple nearby. The wish is very effective. Would you like to go?"

Chi Feng saw that he didn't say anything, Jiang Xinrui agreed not to take the car, and was a little happy. He thought it would take a bit more to speak, so thinking about the proposal made Jiang Xinrui find it interesting.

After all, he knows what Jiang Xinrui thinks, and he should pay attention to it in the human world.

It's just that his sister is so uncomfortable, Chi Feng can't look at it either.

To say that the saddest reminder is Wanfeng. She went to heaven and earth to lead the soldiers in battle. Can't that work? I never thought I would be at a loss for a car.

Sitting in the car, the whole person's internal organs were about to vomit out, and finally sat on the hood, still not feeling well...

The angry Wanfeng wanted to smash the car directly...

"Do I have any wish that a temple can help me? But let's go check it out. Actually, I have never been to a temple and want to see what it is like."

"I have always seen it on TV."

When Jiang Xinrui heard Chi Feng say that she wanted to make a wish, she really laughed. Instead of asking those bodhisattvas, she might as well ask her parents...

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