Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3372: : Name blessing

It's not that Jiang Xinrui is thinking of starting a conversation, but that this person is really familiar.

Even the tone was familiar, she must have seen him, not a stranger in a hurry.

"Amitabha Buddha, maybe we have actually seen it. I think the donor is also very kind. I hope you and your family can achieve what you want. Chang'an is happy, I'm bothering you."

The little monk in Jiang Xinrui's eyes lowered his head and said, then turned and left. It seemed that he was really just saying a wish. He was a little worried about his brows. When he heard Jiang Xinrui's words, his brows also opened up.

Although he lowered his head, Jiang Xinrui had the clearest perception of the emotions of the people around him from the embarrassment of stepping forward to say hello to the later relief of An Ran.

And when the little monk left, he was also free and easy.

"What's wrong? Rui'er? What did the master say?"

Chi Feng heard the movement here, and just finished praying, just wanting to feel the peace brought by the Sanskrit, so he didn't turn around.

Just looking at Jiang Xinrui's movements, he always felt that the master was a bit strange, not at all what the master should do?

He was a little skeptical about it.

Wanfeng also followed, turned and looked over.

In fact, she really liked it here, but she was a little reluctant to leave, because they were demons, and some things they couldn't touch, but she didn't expect that she and Chi Feng could stay here peacefully and peacefully.

Buddha, it's really different.

It turns out that there are people in this world who are willing to accept everything and achieve true equality among all beings.

It's hard for her stupid brother to think of such a thing, otherwise there won't be any accidents, turning around is with suspicion.

Wanfeng doesn't.

In fact, when she came to Zhaojue Temple, she was willing and willing, thinking that it would be a little troublesome, but at most she was turned away from the door, but she didn't want to not only be able to come in, but also stand under the Bodhisattva to pray.

For this, Wanfeng was really moved, which is why she would pray, because she is willing to believe in the Buddha.

"It's okay, just ask my last name."

"Then wish my family Chang'an joy..."

Jiang Xinrui looked at the little monk's back, muttering these words in her mouth, her eyes gleaming slightly.

Even if she doesn't know this person, she might know her too?

But she has no impression at all, which means that they should have been seen when they were young, and she only remembered the people around her when she was just born.

And when I saw her, I felt familiar, and stepped forward to talk. According to the face that she almost shared with her mother, the little monk should have met her mother, right?

He knew he was not a mother...

"Chang'an, Joy? This is not..."

"The auspicious blessing of this master is really fate."

Chi Feng didn't see the appearance of the little monk. In fact, even if he saw it, he wouldn't feel anything, because he didn't know him either.

It’s just that Chang’an’s joy is in his heart.

Isn't this the nickname of Jiang Xinrui and his brother?

If it wasn't for that nickname was also a wish, Chi Feng would have thought it was intentional.

However, the order of the human world has changed back then. No one should know that these are the names of Jiang Xinrui's brothers and sisters, and now they don't know that Jiang Xinrui has an older brother.

And Wanfeng listened quietly, feeling that it was not as simple as Chi Feng thought. She didn't believe there was such a coincidence?

After all, inexplicably came forward and asked your surname directly, and finally came up with such a blessing?

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