Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3377: : Time is also fate

"Just like this, I prayed for my second brother to be normal. After less than half a year, he suddenly disappeared. I was frightened. I was crazy when I saw the message he left saying that he was going to become a monk."

"I rushed here non-stop, but my second brother, the second youngest of the Xie family, became Master Wangchen..."

"In order to support Xie’s family, I blocked the news. It’s been five years, right? Outsiders don’t know that he has become a monk. I can’t support it by myself. I need the second brother’s name to shake. It was quickly divided up."

"Actually, if I block the news, I am also waiting for a change of heart. Maybe someday he will suddenly come back like a monk. I can't let the public opinion attack him again, because as long as my second brother has something to do, he will talk to you. The mother is tied together, why the Xie family’s second youngest wife, Mrs. Jiang’s family, bought drunk, spent a lot of money, saddened, and refused to show up... This kind of news will pop up from time to time even now, it’s really annoying... just follow your family. The same, annoying!"

When Xie Dongyao said this, tears had already flowed out, but she didn't want to show her timidity in front of outsiders, especially Jiang Xinrui, looking at her face just like looking at Hua Sheng.

She can't give up with Hua Sheng...

Even so, before, when Xie Dongyang suddenly decided to become a monk, Xie Dongyao still surrendered. She wanted to go to Hua Sheng because she knew very well that she couldn't persuade her second brother.

Even her parents, eldest brother, came out of the coffin and couldn't persuade him.

Only one person could persuade him, namely Hua Sheng.

So Xie Dongyao wanted to beg Hua Sheng. As long as she could persuade her second brother to come back and become a normal person, she was willing to change everything from the Xie family. At that time, she had only the entire Xie family to be able to do.

Although Hua Sheng is not bad for money, she has nothing left.

Father, the eldest brother had an accident on the construction site and passed away unexpectedly, while the mother was shocked, and her head turned all night, her body was deteriorating, and she left without seeing the year. As for the sister-in-law, let alone the shock is not small. No more...

Now Xie's family is the only one left with her and Xie Ning, who are dependent on each other.

So I can’t blame Xie Dongyao for being different from before, because the time of the human world back then was three years, and many things hadn’t had time to happen. No matter the precursors and the lack of Hua Sheng’s participation, the results of many things were different. Up.

Whether it is better or worse, it can only be said that the time is fate.

Xie's mother should have been there all the time, and a lot of things were missing to fuel the flames. She lost her energy. The white-haired person sent away the black-haired person, the son and husband away, and the whole person died of depression.

Xie Dongyao’s sister-in-law, because Xie Dongyao was not dead, that is, she was not demonized, and did not make any wicked idea to match her second brother with her sister-in-law, which is equivalent to never happened, but because of this, Xie Dongyao’s sister-in-law was lost. Husband’s pain can’t be extricated, and thinking of her husband’s derailment, he is in a daze, unable to stay at Xie’s house, even his daughter is ignored, and he just left...

Later, there were fewer and fewer people in the family, and Xie Dongyang became gloomy again. If it were not for Xie Ning's niece, Xie Dongyao might not be able to hold on.

So Jiang Xinrui's sentence of contentment, she really doesn't know how to be content with her own family?

She turned out to be very happy...

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