Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3379: : No support

When Jiang Xinrui saw the news, she was not in a good mood, she was about to smash her mobile phone. Of course she understood what kind of person her mother was, and how could she be so slandered?

In the past, his father would still be pressed, but then Jiang Xinrui found that even his mother was numb and didn't care, and no one paid attention to it, and it gradually faded away.

But Jiang Xinrui still can't let her go. Isn't this just about separating her parents, causing her family to be restless?

It is simply unforgivable.

It's just that she is sensible. This matter is a matter of her parents after all. As a daughter, it is really difficult for her to participate. She doesn't want her mother to feel uncomfortable.

So when she sees someone who likes her mother, she can put her mind right, even if she mentions it, she will be politely silent, just not knowing.

But now, she didn’t want to say anything at all. After all, Xie Dongyao is a bit miserable. She doesn’t need to intervene at this time. Moreover, this is already a matter of the previous generation. It belongs to the mother’s generation. She is only Look at an experience.

It was only when Xie Dongyao expressed hatred for her mother, and even talked about the wedding that year...

Jiang Xinrui can't bear it...

"He treats my father's open-mindedness as a step backward, as helpless, and his mother's kindness as a motivating force he can test. He is blatant and fanciful to my mother. Has he ever thought about this as what my mother needs? If my mother doesn’t face him unexpectedly, and my father trusts her mother, he wants to wait. Without hurting him, let go of this obsession, and wait for his unscrupulousness!"

"This is what you like in your eyes? Why do you complain about him, hold grievances, and feel that my mother is not worth it? Do you hate her?"

"I'm telling you, the result now is your second brother's choice. You can't blame others. Since you didn't want to or liked it, then you clearly refused to marry, so as not to put my mother in such an embarrassing situation. My mother is only in her early twenties. Wouldn’t she commit suicide in embarrassment if she changed to a girl of your ordinary people? This is karma, and he has to bear it for a lifetime, even if he dreams back at midnight, he will come to him!"

"Your second brother's likes are comparable to belated affection..."

"Now I still preach to me about the wedding that year. If you don’t know the beginning and the end, are you still trying to provoke my relationship with my mother? Because you are not happy, our family can’t be peaceful. Is this the only way you can? Feel comfortable?"

Jiang Xinrui said that she finally approached Xie Dongyao, watching her dodge, panicked, even embarrassed, Jiang Xinrui smiled.

Maybe Xie Dongyao didn't even know what he was talking about.

No one can resent, no one can rely on, and I want to grab something urgently in my heart.

Just like to her mother, hate her, and count all the pain on others, she feels like having sustenance and can breathe.

Now that Jiang Xinrui tore off this layer mercilessly, Xie Dongyao could see what she had never wanted to see clearly.

Why didn't she know that her second brother was wishful thinking? What can it do?

Late affection is cheaper than grass...

But that was her second brother. There was nothing left behind her. She couldn't hate him, but there was always someone to bear the responsibility of Xie's family.

Even if she once liked Hua Sheng very much, but she likes it again, it is not as important as her family.

Besides, Hua Sheng is not innocent. She doesn't like it, so she can refuse. Don't give him a chance, even if he is a friend, don't do it. Maybe it is different now?

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