Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3392: : Unmarriage

"Cousins ​​are also not allowed to marry, and they are also related by blood..."

Jiang Xinrui looked at the prince and heard what she said, so she immediately lowered her head.

Just as Jiang Xinrui thought, as soon as she said this, the little prince curled his lips unhappily. Someone who didn't know thought he had received some great grievance.

Of course, in the heart of the little prince, he just received a grievance, it was a super big one.

His chance is gone.

Rui'er can't be his daughter-in-law either.

This is all in my head.

As for Jiang Xinrui's kinship, he doesn't care at all. People say that cousins ​​are okay, that's okay, and it has nothing to do with the age.

That was OK before, but now naturally too.

There is no difference at all. It must have been laughed at by the adults, and Rui Er was unwilling. That would be embarrassing.

"I know, but you are a younger sister, and I am an older brother, so I should call you Ruier. Let me coax this little baby with you."

"Okay, you adults can do whatever you want, you are all very busy, don't be stunned."

The prince was very good at adjusting himself, and then nodded, indicating that he knew that, he wouldn't be doing it against Rui'er at this time.

Otherwise, the prince would have been very mindful of this since he was a child.

When the adults turned away from looking at him, the prince slowly blushed. He could endure it to the limit now, and he felt that embarrassment was not a little bit in his heart.

The adults also noticed that the prince had stopped talking at this point, and did whatever he needed to do, but one thing was that the corners of his mouth were smiling.

Especially Hua Zhi, who laughed the most excessively, was really his mother.

When Feng Xi watched from the side, she was worried that the dumpling filling would be knocked over by her.

But Hua Zhi didn't expect how happy she was smiling at this time. When the prince grows up in the future, she will be more...sorrowful...

At this time, she laughed at the prince who was anxious to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get married when he was young, and when he grew up, she would do the opposite, completely turning into a non-marriage...

Anxious Hua Zhi was almost bald...

It's just that Hua Zhi couldn't understand it anymore, she was still making dumplings and laughing in a low voice.

And the child Wang Jiang Xinrui on the side took a "brother" younger brother, and another younger brother was playing with the doll. Of course, Jiang Xinrui coaxed Qin Xiaobao, and she really didn't feel much about the doll.

It may be because the prince has sent too many gifts since she was little, and she was immune, and the whole room could not fit...

"Okay, Hua Zhi, don't laugh, look at the time, the dumplings will be ready in no time, why Hua Lin hasn't come yet? You can make a call."

Feng Xi looked at the time and looked at Hua Zhi's preoccupied look, knowing that she should have thought of Hua Lin, and some of Hua Sheng's sisters would usually call it for a gathering like this today.

Even if Feng Xi organized the game, of course she was in the Shili Chunfeng game. Feng Xi felt that it didn't matter. It didn't matter how crowded it was, so naturally she invited it.

But today Hua Zhi came a little later, but he also came. Now Hua Zhi is really busy, filming while filming.

These two filmings are not to say that they are repeated, but they acted and filmed themselves, and then became an assistant director to follow the learning and filming.

Time is very tight. Everyone knows what Hua Lin is doing now. She was the first to invite her. I was afraid that she was sensitive and unhappy. As a result, she hasn't come yet...

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