Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3398: : A bunch of chrysanthemums

Feng Xi saw Hua Lin's eyes panicking, thinking that he was right, and thinking that Hua Lin didn't make sense at all?

In the end, I heard Hua Lin say, "What can it do?"

"Mother and son, whether we live or die, we can't decide on our own. What else is there to be afraid of? What's the point of a person who can't even control his own life?"

"Don't you just look down on me, and pity our family, and give us that little affection, do you think we need it?"

Hua Lin looked up at Feng Xi, her tone was full of anger, even very aggrieved.

She really doesn't know what face the other person is talking about?

Bai Hao stopped talking at all, buried his head and didn't want to speak anymore.

Whatever, he promised that it was a mistake to bring Hua Lin out. She had to drive everyone around her to let it go!

And Bai Kangning hadn't spoken from the beginning, he was really used to it, he couldn't change his mother, so just sit beside her in silence.

This is the last thing his son can do.

As for Feng Xi stopped talking, she turned around and pulled Qin Wanyu so that he could pull herself a little bit, she couldn't help it.

"Hehe... you are right."

"It's all right, there's still something to do with my crew, I'm leaving."

Hua Zhi didn't even care about her son this time. There was nothing wrong with it anyway. She needed a lot of oxygen to breathe, otherwise she was afraid that she would pass.

Then he hurried away.

No one stopped, because if Hua Zhi didn't leave, according to her temper, she was afraid that she would get angry at all times.

Naturally, Wang Junxian had to follow along, signaled the Xiajiang Liu, then turned around and walked out.

The mess here can only be borne by the brother, he needs to see his explosive dragon.

It was just that before Wang Junxian went out, Hua Zhi came back with great momentum.


Just as Wang Junxian wanted to say something, Hua Zhi pushed him away.

And Hua Zhi didn’t know where to hold a bunch of chrysanthemums, the yellow ones, the white ones...

Intuition tells Wang Junxian that this flower...

Before Wang Junxian's thoughts appeared in his mind, Hua Zhi had already thrown the flower directly in front of Hua Lin.

"You brought it?"

Hua Zhi's tone was surprisingly calm this time, that was the calm under the anger.

The look in his eyes is also cold and terrifying.

The killer temperament of the queen was revealed in an instant.

"Did you see it? What's the fuss? Of course I have to buy gifts when I'm a guest? Can't you buy flowers? This is very fresh. I asked Bai Hao to drive the car to the largest flower shop in Jiangcheng to buy it. Because the Chinese New Year is approaching, there are so many people, and I have spent a lot of money, so I wasted a little time."

"It's just that when I came in, Bai Hao wouldn't let me take it alive and die, so he snatched it over. I'm afraid you will be anxious, so I put it at the gate first.

"Since you have brought it in, then you have one flower for each of you. Choose whatever you want. The flower has a name on it. This flower is really popular. I only bought this bunch. In order to give it to each of you, I deliberately put it on it. Engraved."

Hua Lin felt the breeze thrown by Hua Zhi, her eyes didn't move, and she was not scared by Hua Zhi in the slightest.

Instead, she explained the process of her journey slowly, and even stretched out her hand to show Hua Zhi the finger that she accidentally scratched with a knife.



Hua Zhi didn't say a word, she just slapped up.

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