Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3400: : Have a slice of soup

This kind of thing has one, two, and now three!

Hua Zhi didn't feel anything anymore, she was very uncomfortable now, and she didn't want to be angry anymore.

Hearing Hua Zhi said that he was about to break up, the expressions of the people around him changed.

They all wanted to persuade Hua Zhi to calm down and think about it, but looking at Hua Zhi's appearance, thinking of Hua Lin, in the end they all looked at Hua Sheng, the person who could make a decision.

I don’t know when it will start, but Hua Sheng is in charge of everything in the Hua family.

No matter how successful Hua Zhi was, she would ask Hua Sheng to make a decision.

And when Hua Lin heard Hua Zhi say a break, her heart really felt like being hit hard by others, very painful...

It was a kind of pain that couldn't be described in words, but she couldn't show it yet.

I can only look at Hua Zhi and even Hua Sheng provocatively with an indifferent look, to see how they choose.

"A Sheng?"

Jiang Liu watched Hua Sheng walk up to Hua Lin, picked up the bunch of chrysanthemums, worried that she would make any irreversible decision, and yelled softly.

Hua Lin looks like this, everyone has a headache, but from Jiang Liu's point of view, Hua Lin has something wrong with it before it breaks.

Of course it's not how her body is, but her psychology.

Jiang Liu has been silently looking at the family beside him. Whether it is Bai Hao or Bai Kangning, they are guilty, faceless, and unable to raise their heads. It's just such an expression. Jiang Liu feels what they have hidden. .

Since there is a problem in the middle, if Hua Sheng still cares, then check it out carefully, but if Hua Sheng really decides, Jiang Liu will not say anything.

He just hoped that Hua Sheng could think about it clearly, that she, like Hua Zhi, has a tofu heart with a knife mouth.

His mouth is hard, but his heart is soft and messed up.

"This flower is very beautiful, thank you."

"Hua Lin, I think I can see your heart, so you can choose the question Hua Zhi said."

"I don't care."

Hua Sheng took the bunch of chrysanthemums thrown on the ground by Hua Zhi and looked at it briefly. Then, in front of Hua Lin, he destroyed it with one hand. This was the first time Hua Sheng used mana without shyness in front of everyone.

Everyone knows that Hua Sheng is not an ordinary person, and they have seen Hua Sheng do something, but the few people in Hua Zhi did not look like today, watching the blue flame up close like a ghostly fire swallowing everything.

Hua Sheng is simply destroying flowers.

And where the bunch of chrysanthemums can withstand Hua Sheng's nine-day sacred flame, even if it is a low-level, it is effortless, and instantly disappears.

Hua Sheng blew his hand gently, patted the ashes, and looked at Hua Lin calmly.

Hua Lin seemed to be stunned, her eyes staring at Hua Sheng, she didn't know what strength she used to support it, and got up and left.

Bai Hao and Bai Kangning were also shocked. This is not magic, it is actually happening in front of them.

Then the two followed.

Nothing was said, or no sound was made.

The rest of the people were also silent.

Hua Zhi was also frightened, she would not be angry anymore, the anger of the explosive dragon was quietly resolved by Hua Sheng, so Hua Sheng was her nemesis...

Hua Zhi patted her heart. She really didn't want to think about Hua Lin. She didn't know what she was thinking while sitting in the chair.

Several other people also looked different.

Is this the end?

So was Hua Lin scared away, or was Hua Sheng said something before leaving?

Although puzzled, no one asked.

"Have a slice of soup..."

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