Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3409: No expectations

No matter how misunderstood, Hua Lin doesn't care, as long as she can keep her son alive, the future will become the envy of everyone and become forever.

She knew that Bai Kangning was only young, and he still didn't understand the meaning of immortality and the benefits, so she was confused for a while. In this case, she, a mother, must of course help him.

The only regret medicine in this world is given by my mother.

For her own children, a mother can do everything.

However, it just broke with the sisters and never contacted them again. What did it matter? Whether it was Hua Zhi or Hua Sheng, they were not inferior to their own.

For them, it was just the loss of a sister, but for Hua Lin, it was an opportunity for her own children.

He went to find Hua Sheng too impulsively, otherwise Hua Sheng might have forgotten it. This matter was not important to her.

Now it's just a new start.

"You said you are for me? Then I want to know, I don't want to, I'm not happy, I don't want to accept, I don't need..."

"All my opinions are not important. They go against my ideas, let me do things I don't want to do, and influence my life. Is this for me?"

"Do you think I will be happy like this? Or do you think our family will be happy like this?"

"Is immortality necessarily good? Look at our home now. Is this a home? Is it interesting to live in this state?"

"Some people die but can always live in everyone's hearts, while some people live, but are no different from death!"

Bai Kangning said while looking around. The white walls were full of smoke stains, footprints, wine bottles and glass shards on the corners. The only better door was the kitchen door, but there was a tremor just now. I guess It's going to fall too. Others are more interesting. There is a kettle in the middle of the TV, and a hole in the balcony glass is broken...

These are all these six months, during the quarrel, the mother fell, smashed, every time no matter who came, Hua Zhi, Hua Sheng, or even Fengxi, it would be severely smashed, and the father has been smoking next to him. drink.

The whole house is in dilapidated condition, and everything in the kitchen will never be complete, because maybe someday it will become an angry thing again.

Being able to make a bowl of noodles is already the limit of Bai Kangning.

If immortal, according to the mother's idea, this family will continue to exist, what is the point?

Bai Kangning could see it, her mother used to beat him to vent, but now she is throwing things, there must be someone who can let her vent.

After his birthday this year, he will be sixteen, and he is one step closer to the four-year period.

In fact, he didn't want to wait anymore, but he knew that if he left now, his mother might just go crazy.

It's really crazy, not fake.

So there are still two years, he can wait, knowing that his mother can't wait because time is getting closer, and he is getting more and more panicked...

The last is a vicious circle.

Bai Kangning didn't know if it was right to continue waiting.

Now that Hua Sheng had a solution, and he had already told him to understand that Bai Kangning didn't feel that she was afraid of anything, but rather looked forward to death. In fact, he originally thought Hua Sheng would not find a solution.

After all, I haven’t found it for more than ten years, but now I found it...

I have to say that Bai Kangning is a little bit disappointed, he is a person who has no expectations for life.

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