Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3425: : Scumbag behavior

If it didn't say that it didn't matter, and urged her, would he still be able to wait for a while? Wait a little longer, and Fengying will come out... it won't be such a big movement.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, it's all a misunderstanding, let me talk about it."

"Aren't you looking for Chi Feng? He happened to have come out. He was in the room for a long time, and he came out as soon as you came."

Fengying looked at Jiang Xinrui's expression a little bitter, for fear that she would really cry, and then said something, and quickly went over to explain the misunderstanding clearly.

The most important thing is to punish Mu Fan directly and face the wall for five hundred years!

Let him think about it for himself and reflect on it carefully. This heart can't be too impetuous.

Jiang Xinrui looked at the turbulent Demon Realm army in front of him, and slowly withdrew, but did not feel relieved in her heart, because it was her cause of trouble.

I wanted to see what happened to Chi Feng, but there was such a big noise.

Because of her parents, her reputation is not small, and now she is better and more famous.


"It's okay, it's all a misunderstanding. I blamed me for this. I will give you the key to the gate of the Demon Realm. In the future, you can come whenever you want, or wait for me and I will pick you up."

"I haven't contacted you for such a long time. It's really a compelling thing, but it's all my fault. I shouldn't have been looking for you for a long time. I didn't even give you a message..."

Chi Feng was very guilty. Hearing Sanshu said that Rui'er would be scared and crying, she was distressed. Originally, Rui'er came because he was worried about him, but so many things happened unexpectedly.

It was uncomfortable in my heart. It was all his fault anyway. He shouldn't have no news because of a little of his own. The third uncle said that his behavior was called a scumbag.

He also asked the little girl to come and look for him, and his behavior as a scumbag would be solid.

Although he didn't know what it meant, Chi Feng didn't think it was a good thing, and he was indeed wrong.

He was kicked by his father just now...

"I'll take you to the most fun place in my house. It's beautiful. Before, when my second uncle was there, he didn't let anyone go there, but he gave it to me. Only I can go. I'll take you there."

Chi Feng stretched out his hand and held Jiang Xinrui, who bowed his head in silence, to his secret base.

Thinking about making Jiang Xinrui happy and forgetting the embarrassment just now.

In fact, from Chi Feng's point of view, it's nothing. The Devil Realm will be used as a drill, Rui'er...that's just like his third uncle said, it's a welcome ceremony.

After thinking about it this way, it suddenly became clear.

Jiang Xinrui looked at Chi Feng... her eyes conveyed a kind of "I have not been comforted."

"Rui'er, I am Wanfeng, Chifeng's sister, do you remember?"

"Sit down at Chifeng's house with me first? Try my mother's cakes. They are delicious. Chifeng said you like cakes the most."

"I have always been to Shili Chunfeng as a guest before, and you never went to my house."

"Chifeng, don't you think?"

Wanfeng patted Chifeng on the head. This younger brother was either stupid or stupid. Why didn't he let people go to the place of the second uncle? Because it was the place where the second uncle and Jiang Xinrui's mother met for the first time!

He took Jiang Xinrui there, and when Jiang Xinrui returned, her mother asked, she definitely wouldn't hide it, so if her mother remembered...

How embarrassing.

With Chifeng's head, he accidentally offended the future mother-in-law!

As for why Wanfeng said she was the future mother-in-law, in Wanfeng’s view, Jiang Xinrui came to the Demon Realm directly because Chi Feng hadn’t contacted him for a long time. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the status in her heart...

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