Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3451: : It's getting hot

Chi Feng knew very well how anxious Jiang Xinrui really waited for a long time in order to wait for him and his sister to reach adulthood, take Phoenix blood, and solve the problem.

In less than two years, it will be resolved immediately, and when the Qilin blood is also available, it will be over.

Chi Feng thought, he was not afraid of contact with Yu Qilin, anyway, he just didn't want to, Chi Feng didn't believe that Feng could come and tie people personally? Chi Feng was still angry when he was taken away last time.

He is a boy, and he really loses face.

Hearing that, Jiang Xinrui didn't speak, because she didn't know what to say now. She didn't want Chi Feng to be wronged, but Qilin Blood really needed her.

There is really no choice between the two, and what we can do now is to temporarily avoid Chi Feng, not wanting to offend Yu Qilin to death. Jiang Xinrui can't say this, in fact, it is really embarrassing in her heart.

But I didn't expect Chi Feng to say this directly, calming his heart.

Jiang Xinrui really felt a little embarrassed, and her face turned red slightly.

At this time, she was still thinking about her family's affairs. She hadn't thought about how embarrassed Chi Feng was as the client, although she didn't say it directly, and Chi Feng still remembered this matter in her heart.

What her friend did was not very qualified. All she did was a little care. After coming to the Demon Realm, she caused trouble again...

Jiang Xinrui suddenly felt that Mo Cui in her hand was getting hot again.

Can she really take this thing?

"Don't think too much about it. In less than two years, you have been practicing in retreat, and it will be over in a flash. I will wait for you in the spring breeze of ten miles."

"I will find a way when I understand the matter in my family. If she comes back before, I will also find a way and I will help you. What my father and Emperor Fengdu said are also some friendships. I believe in Yuqilin. Can converge."

"Wait for me, then go back and talk to my father..."

"Cultivate with peace of mind."

Jiang Xinrui thought for a while and felt that she still had to do something and couldn't wait.

Although it may be a symptom and not the root cause, at least what can be solved to ease the current tense relationship.

And Jiang Xinrui couldn't take care of Chifeng either. Wanfeng's family wanted to keep her after eating, and they wanted to leave directly, but Chifeng's mother also followed suit. Jiang Xinrui really had trouble getting up and leaving.

This meal was embarrassing.

It's not that Jiang Xinrui can't use other words to describe it, but today, except for this embarrassment, it can't be described by any other words.

Every bite of rice Jiang Xinrui ate seemed to be watching and eating in the Demon Realm.

I don't know what's going on, many people followed this meal, and all the members of the Demon Realm Jiang Xinrui had met, that is, Chi Feng's family followed.

Jiang Xinrui's eyes were fixed at the Three Highnesses Fengying, who was smiling but not smiling opposite her, the Great Highness who was indifferent on the main seat, and Chifeng's mother who was smiling at her beside her.

There were two beside him, one on the left and the other on the right, Chi Feng and Wan Feng.

Jiang Xinrui can't say why, but feels restless, looking at the delicious food on the table in front of him, it is boring to eat.

"Rui'er? Don't you like it? These are all meals prepared according to what you eat in the human world, don't you think it fits? Or you can try something else?"

Chi Feng looked at Jiang Xinrui who hadn't eaten much, even if he ate it, he would take a small bite and follow it, and didn't want to be like him when he was in the human world, eating snacks.

At first, Chi Feng thought it was not delicious, but then I thought, is it because there are too many people?

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