Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3453: : Waiting for decision

And Chi Feng, as if being said by a beacon, closed his mouth puffingly, and continued to eat.

These were all the chefs who were looking for when the second uncle was there, and there is no need to think that they are all for Rui'er's mother. Now they are all taking advantage of them.

All the chefs who are looking for it with their heart are skilled, and every dish is made to taste. Chi Feng really doesn't know where Jiang Xinrui finds it unpalatable?

There are too many people wanting to come?

But Jiang Xinrui is not such a shy temper, let alone showing timidity in front of others, the most important thing is the same as his unreliable third uncle said.

When Jiang Xinrui was able to see him, Chi Feng was moved and very happy, but when he had finished talking with Jiang Xinrui, Jiang Xinrui's reaction was like a spectator, which was unbelievable.

Not as he expected...

Chi Feng felt a little lost in her heart.

It was just this emotion that Chi Feng thought he was covering up very well, but he didn't expect San Shu to see it, and even said something, turning his head to look at other family members, Chi Feng understood, everyone was clear.

"Chi Feng, as your third uncle said, it's too late, we can't force it, we can see you, this love is enough, we just remember it."

"Besides, with this kind of love, there will be more opportunities for you in the future, and it will be more stable."

"You can't force everything, don't be greedy, you are all young now..."

"Some emotions are not there yet, maybe it's a good thing."

"As for your third uncle's remarks about Yu Qilin, your mother, I, express your silence. When you are an adult, you will see yourself. Now let's hold on. Anyway, you have already said what you can say. If the girl is still following you, It’s not good, it’s really too stale, so let’s wait until you are an adult. Any decision should not be made at this time."

Luo Yao looked down on her son's face, and she couldn't bear it, but she was still very clear in her mind. This is not the case at this time. If you force too much, it will become obsession, not even the appearance of Yu Qilin. ?

Yu Qilin is too irrational.

Luo Yao felt like this was really enough. She was really relieved of Chi Feng, and today's hospitality was not overly formal. Luo Yao also wanted to thank the child, even her family.

But now the family hasn't come, only Jiang Xinrui himself, Luo Yao naturally can't handle the matter.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xinrui felt uneasy... This was her negligence. Because of Jiang Xinrui's ability, Luo Yao always subconsciously regarded that child as a child.

So I didn't feel any violation.

As for Chi Feng's decision, because of the characteristics of the demon, Luo Yao worried that after he became an adult, Chi Feng's past thoughts would be reversed. It was really a waste of work, so Luo Yao and Brahma chose to remain silent.

He wouldn't make decisions for Chi Feng before he became an adult, let alone force him to choose after that.

What future life will be, Chi Feng decides for himself.

When Chi Feng heard what his mother and third uncle said, he nodded, didn't speak, and didn't know which one he agreed with. In short, he was silent.

The eyes are a little empty...

At the same time, the human world.

When Jiang Xinrui left the Demon Realm, Chifeng's family was sent directly to the enchantment. Jiang Xinrui was relieved until he couldn't see the shadow behind him...

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