Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3465: :will not change

"In fact, in this matter, I feel even more distressed by Yu Qilin. She did everything she could, but Chi Feng doesn't like her. No matter whether the story of chasing his wife in the crematorium will be staged in the future, but Chi Feng It’s true that you can be as unsentimental as you can be, maybe not at all."

"After waiting for Yu Qilin to become sensible, I don't know if I will regret it, and that Nangong Liuyue next to her will be by her side like this, it's boring."

"Relationships are really boring, and I find it troublesome to think about it, so why do you want to do this? Just be friends, can't we all play happily together?"

Jiang Xinrui's expression was a little helpless. She had temporarily forgotten all these things, but Jiang Xinrui would still feel uncomfortable when she heard her parents mention it.

But it was obviously different from what Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu thought of uncomfortable.

Jiang Xinrui was completely caught in the puzzle of this entanglement. She didn't understand, why was she forced to do so? Is like that important?

Do you have to be together if you like it?

It's just that Jiang Xinrui has these questions because she still doesn't understand feelings. When she understands, she will understand Yu Qilin's desires.

"You're right, the feelings are too boring, it's a pleasure to play with my friends..."

"It's just, Rui'er, slowly, everyone, sooner or later, you will meet the person you like. When you meet that person, you can't wait to be with him every day. Where would you be willing to be separated?"

"If Chi Feng meets someone he likes in the future, maybe he won't be with his former partner..."

Hua Sheng looked at Jiang Xinrui's confused look, after thinking about it, he still made a hypothesis for her.

It's not that Hua Sheng wants to see Jiang Xinrui's disappointment, but Hua Sheng doesn't want Jiang Xinrui to have the same idea for everyone, and many people will go further and further on the road in the future.

I don't want to let go, but I have my own life and my lover.

There will always be powerlessness...

"Like it? Is it like you and your father? I don't want to be separated, always together..."

"What about Chifeng? If you meet someone you like, won't you come over to play with me? Then stop playing..."

"However, I believe Chi Feng will not fail to come to me."

Jiang Xinrui didn't feel lost for a moment, even if she said "then don't play anymore", because Jiang Xinrui knew that Chi Feng would not come to her.

It's the kind of self-confidence.

And Jiang Xinrui's self-confidence makes Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu wonder what to say.

Sometimes I think Jiang Xinrui is very precocious and understands everything, but sometimes, she is completely like a child.

As it is now, only a child can say it, and only when he is a child will he believe in the promise of childhood.

Moreover, Hua Sheng and Jiang Xinrui have already said that Chi Feng will change when he reaches adulthood, but in Jiang Xinrui's eyes, she doesn't feel worried at all. She said that Chi Feng is Chi Feng no matter how he changes.

Such confidence made Hua Sheng couldn't bear to break it.

Maybe Chi Feng really won’t change, because Chi Feng changed Jiang Xinrui who was dull back then, Hua Sheng really thanked him...

So I don't want Chi Feng to change anything, but the nature of the devil is like this, Hua Sheng can't guarantee anything.

Even Jiang Liu can't guarantee...

"Then father, can you do me a favor?"

After Jiang Xinrui answered her mother's words, she didn't think there was any problem. Finally, remembering that her father hadn't answered yet, Jiang Xinrui couldn't help asking again.

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