Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3468: : You marry him

I didn't even care to be afraid of Hua Sheng, and looked directly at Jiang Xinrui hopefully...

Looking at Jiang Xinrui's eyes, with endless joy, even a little crazy.

"Rui'er, really a good boy, I still remember your brother Kang Ning! I came here to tell you about your brother Kang Ning. Recently, he has become less and less aspiring, so he wants to die, and he doesn't even want your mother to help. ..."

"Looking at him like that, I really feel so uncomfortable, can you understand the heart of a mother?"

Hua Lin held Jiang Xinrui's hand with some pleading tone. It seemed that Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu would not feel at all, as if they were not the same.

It can be said that Hua Lin now, she herself does not know whether she is really crazy or fake.

Paranoid, has lost Hua Lin's eyes.

A few months ago, when the spring breeze got together for ten miles, Hua Lin still knew what she was doing, and her purpose was very clear. She felt guilty in her heart, knowing that doing so would bring harm to her family.

But Hua Lin couldn't help it. She had to do it, even if no one disapproved of her, Hua Lin would do it.

Especially in the past few months, seeing Bai Kangning getting thinner and thinner, there is no expression in his eyes, and he even wanted to find Hua Sheng, and he didn't wait for anything, even if it was death now, he was willing.

But how can Hua Lin accept these? After a few months of calming down, the mood became no longer calm. When she discovered that Bai Kangning had notified Hua Sheng, Hua Lin couldn't sit still.

While Hua Sheng left Shili Chunfeng to go to her home, Hua Lin thought for a long time and came directly to Shili Chunfeng.

I thought that Hua Sheng was at her house, but unexpectedly, he ran into it.

So Hua Lin was a little surprised. There were some things she wanted to say to Jiang Xinrui. When she saw Hua Sheng, she couldn't say these things because Hua Lin knew well that Hua Sheng would not agree.

Only when Jiang Xinrui mentioned Bai Kangning, Hua Lin knew that there was still a show. As long as Jiang Xinrui was also worried about Bai Kangning, it would be different if Jiang Xinrui was also worried about Bai Kangning.

Thinking of this, Hua Lin naturally really couldn't take care of anything, holding Jiang Xinrui's hand and begging, as if Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu didn't exist at all.

"Auntie Si, what are you trying to say?"

"Brother Kang Ning looks like this now, which is very distressing, but why does he look like this? Why do you want to change, don't you really know as a mother?"

Jiang Xinrui looked at Hua Lin's eyes, but she didn't need to say anything from her mother. She felt that she could deal with it now, and there was no malice in Hua Lin's eyes.

But Jiang Xinrui was young, she thought that there was no malicious in her eyes, so that was fine, but she didn't know that what she said could achieve the greatest malicious intent.

Human selfishness, in order to get one's own purpose, really can say anything.

"Kang Ning looks like this because of me, I admit, I know, but as long as the solution is solved, he can live well and have hope for life, and I won't make him embarrassed, so he will be fine, so the problem will be solved. "

"Rui'er, I know you must not bear it. Besides, you still have great affection for your brother Kangning. You also grew up together since childhood, and that affection is even more incomparable."

"Now he only has a different look when he talks about you... Rui'er, just as I beg you, you marry your brother Kangning, okay? You are married, I am afraid that there will be some accidents. You can have no children. , I will be a good mother-in-law, I won't mind..."

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