Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3475: : Stubborn madness

As soon as Bai Kangning's words came out, Hua Lin didn't speak, and she didn't know what was going on. Tears shed first, "Save some face!" Such words were in Zha Hualin's heart.

What did she do so that her son can't even keep his face?

Even pleading to her, I don't know how many times I have forced her to death, let alone how many times I have said it, forget it...

Even if Hua Lin's heart is obsessed, but looking at Bai Kangning like this, it is still uncomfortable, and she can't breathe in pain.

And Bai Kangning didn’t look at anyone in Huasheng’s family. He just wanted to take Hualin and leave immediately. He didn’t want to hear what the Huasheng family said. Bai Kangning could not accept it. If Hualin didn’t say these things before, he I only feel tired and don't want to apologize, but now it is embarrassing.

In order to keep him alive, his mother actually forced her sister to marry herself, which is almost unheard of. He is an older brother who can't protect his younger siblings and can't take good care of his parents. He really feels that he hates failure.

Now that his mother said this again, Bai Kangning was really embarrassed, but he also knew very well that he could not resent his mother!

His mother just wanted to keep her child alive. What could be wrong?

Even if there is a mistake, everyone in this world can blame her, but he can't, and he is the least qualified.

Bai Kangning knows this very well, so the pressure is getting more and more, and the whole person is getting thinner and thinner, because he can't blame his mother, and can't stop her, he can only look at...

At this time, Bai Kangning had no other extravagant hopes, and wanted to leave some face.

"Do you think I am ashamed of you?"

"I embarrassed you? Bai Kangning, do you dare to say that you have no idea about Jiang Xinrui? Every time you see her, you are different. Why don't you dare to admit it?"

"Whether it's like it or other feelings, as long as it's different, that's enough. Mommy sees the difference to her in your eyes, it's really enough."

"Others, I'll be fine."

Hua Lin reached out and touched her son's face, wiping away the tears he refused to leave because of his stubbornness.

The look in Bai Kangning's eyes is even more stubborn. As long as it is something she believes, it will not change, that is, the fact!

She will definitely let her son get what she wants, and let her live a good life.

Enjoy the best in the world, even his wife. Jiang Xinrui is the most suitable person regardless of her appearance or family background, plus Hua Sheng’s relationship. Hua Lin only hates that she didn’t think of it earlier, otherwise it must be with them. When the relationship is at its best, finalize the matter.

After waiting for three years, Jiang Xinrui is also an adult, she can hold a wedding with Bai Kangning...

Hua Lin thinks of the future, she only feels that the whole person is excited, her greedy appearance has completely covered all her appearance...

Hua Lin's eyes were blurred even more. At this moment, Hua Sheng, Jiang Liu, and even Jiang Xinrui looked at her with an unreasonable look, and even Bai Kangning couldn't lift his head.

Bai Kangning never expected that one day he would become what he is now.

He couldn't even say sorry.

"Where are you confident?"

"Neither I nor A Sheng cares much about you, don't you know why? Do you really think we can't manage it?"

Jiang Liu has never been so speechless as he is today. He and Hua Sheng have never interfered more. How could she be her selfish and lustful daughter like a treasured daughter?

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