Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3482: : No containment

The more Ji Li talked about it, the more happy he became, and he was very happy. It could be said that the whole person didn't know what to do. In fact, he could understand what Ji Li looked like now. He was really happy.

It's not the kind that can be described in words. At this moment, I can't wait to let the world know his changes. For tens of thousands of years, everything around him has changed rapidly. Ji Li can only watch in pain, wait, and wait and see.

He couldn't do anything, he couldn't do anything, Ji Li was really suffering, that kind of helplessness was not a little bit.

It turns out that I have freedom and happiness, and the life in the book makes people feel desperate. Ji Li almost thought that he would never have a chance to regain his human form and left this broken book.

Until he met Jiang Xinrui, Ji Li knew that her chance was here, maybe she could take a gamble, but the result was not very ideal, because Jiang Xinrui did not listen to his command at all, even if she controlled her vitality and hurt Jiang Xinrui’s heart, she could bear it. It is not affected by anything.

Just like today, he finally absorbed a lot of demonic energy in the Demon Realm and filled himself. He was very happy, so he was in a good mood. It is inevitable that he said a few more words, but Jiang Xinrui took care of it.

It was still cruel. Ji Li really wanted to scold his mother, but fortunately he held it back in the end, because he couldn't control Jiang Xinrui at all.

It’s just that Ji Li didn’t expect that when he returned, his whole body began to notice changes, and his body became warmer and hotter a little bit. Ji Li thought he was about to melt and was so scared to death. He finally survived to this day. To kill a little girl.

Under intense unwillingness, Ji Li felt that although he was hot, his body seemed to be getting heavier and heavier. One must know that he is already a soul body, where can he feel it?

When I see the outline of my body, and even permeate out of the book, even though I can't completely untie the shackles, this is the beginning! More hope.

As for what all this was for, Ji Li didn't know, and didn't care, he saw the light anyway.

"Aren't you hurt?"

"It's amazing. I didn't expect you to have such an adventure again. Would you say it was affected by my fire? Would you like to try again?"

"Maybe try again, you can leave this book directly, completely free of imprisonment."

Jiang Xinrui looked at Ji Li's profile. She had white hair and a slender figure. He couldn't clearly see the specific appearance, but he could vaguely feel that he was really handsome.

But it doesn't matter. What surprised Jiang Xinrui was his current appearance. It seemed too fast, right?

Jiang Xinrui thought it would take a long time for this guy.

At the same time Jiang Xinrui was thinking in her heart, what is this person? Even the mess of his own thoughts was thrown away.

In fact, what Jiang Liu said is not wrong. In many cases, Jiang Xinrui is very sensible.

Just like now, Jiang Xinrui seems to be helping and thinking about Ji Li, but in fact he is thinking about what the other party is? You can eat and absorb demonic energy, resentment, and soul, and now even the nine-day sacred fire can be his help.

If this is true, it means that he has no control over Ji Li at all.

This is not a good sign. For Jiang Xinrui, she doesn't believe in Ji Li, and it is even more unlikely that she will give her life to Ji Li. She and Ji Li are in a mutual restraint relationship.

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