Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3494: : When I owe you

The suburban villa of the Bai family.

Jiang Xinrui walked in with Hua Lin, always feeling that Hua Lin's anxiety was a bit weird, but there was nothing wrong with it, and this urgency was really anxious...

"Bai Hao is not here today. In fact, it's not just today. He has been gone for several days and doesn't care about anything. I know that he has been patience and has no patience. Now there are only me and Kang Ning at home."

Hua Lin led the way, perhaps because she felt a little embarrassed not to speak. She thought about what happened recently and the situation at home.

Although the tone is natural, and loneliness is not hidden at all, my home has become like this.

"This kid doesn't want me to worry about it. The room door is locked. I'm going to find the key. Don't worry, he has been like this recently..."

Hua Lin took Jiang Xinrui to Bai Kangning's room, and the doors of several bedrooms had been repaired. Hua Lin did not open the door, and was not surprised, because it was not the first time.

Although Jiang Xinrui hadn't spoken, Hua Lin didn't feel embarrassed either. After all, Jiang Xinrui would be very good to be able to come, and she was very moved.

After that, after speaking to Jiang Xinrui, she went to find the key, and poured a glass of juice for Jiang Xinrui by the way. I always felt that I had to entertain it. Maybe I also wanted Jiang Xinrui to see that she had become very normal now.

When she came to the guests, she still knew what to do so that she wouldn't go crazy. Besides, she did all these things by herself. Hua Lin has really improved, and she has started to cook at home as before.

Jiang Xinrui looked at Hua Lin in a hurry, and with caution to please the juice he sent, with a strange expression. What the **** is this family doing?

"Ruier, this is the fresh juice I squeezed myself, you taste it, don't dislike it, I haven't made it for a long time..."

Hua Lin watched Jiang Xinrui not talking, let alone drinking her things, Hua Lin naturally pleased, searched around, finally found the key, fortunately she reserved it when she was looking for someone to repair the door.

Otherwise, Jiang Xinrui might not see Bai Kangning today.

"I don't think you are in a hurry anymore. Brother Corning is probably fine. Since it's fine, then I will leave."

Jiang Xinrui took the glass of juice and tasted it for the sake of her face. After all, it is auntie, if Hua Lin is not crazy, Jiang Xinrui will not feel bad about her.

It's just that since I can't see Bai Kangning at this meeting, Jiang Xinrui is not reluctant, and just prepares to leave. Seeing Hua Lin's inexplicable preparation, Jiang Xinrui always finds her weird.

"Don't go!"

"I found the key, I'm just afraid you will dislike it, I don't know what to do...because my previous actions disappointed you all..."

"You go see Corning."

Hua Lin watched Jiang Xinrui drank the juice she prepared, and she immediately let go of her mood, and then hurried to open the door. In fact, she had found the key a long time ago, but she was worried that Jiang Xinrui would not cooperate.

Who told her to have a "prior conviction".

But seeing Jiang Xinrui just about to leave, Hua Lin naturally didn't dare to wait without patience.

"Kang Ning is my life. He is now uncomfortable, his body is red, and he is moaning in pain. I can't find the cause. Only you can save him. As long as you can help me and save Kang Ning, I will definitely not make trouble in the future. , I’m not crazy, whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it."

"I owed Ruier you today."

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