Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3497: :stay awake

Bai Kangning didn't expect that her mother was going crazy so far, and her performance this year was all false, just to paralyze all of them.

Since the last time he left from the spring breeze of ten miles, Hua Lin's whole person has changed. It has really changed. This finally has the appearance of home. Bai Kangning and Bai Hao are even a little flattered, but anyway, Bai Kangning and Bai Hao It was also relieved.

Just waiting for the last time, no one expected that Hualin would pay for Bai Hao early today. When he left, Bai Kangning didn’t know. As long as he ate the breakfast prepared by his mother, everything was wrong. Up.

But Bai Kangning was young and didn't understand what was going on at the beginning. He wanted to find his father, but Bai Hao had been dismissed by Hualin long ago. Bai Kangning had no way to ask for help, so he could only go to Hualin, thinking about making Hualin. Taking him to the hospital, Hua Lin only said to let him wait...

"Don't blame your mother. I did this for you. This medicine and this fragrance are not ordinary things. Even if Jiang Xinrui has the ability, she will not be able to bear it. You should stop struggling and wait for her to come... …"

"I can't stop cooking mature rice with rice, so my mother will feel relieved. I will definitely be a good mother-in-law!"

Hua Lin's words are a guarantee, but in Bai Kangning's ears it was a bomb, and the whole person was blown up and tender.

He was really beaten to death and he could not have imagined that his mother could do this!

Needless to say, Bai Kangning must have refused, but his refusal is of no use.

Looking at her mother with firm eyes, Bai Kangning understood that her mother had not changed at all. The so-called changes were all illusions. After so long, everything changed...

"Mother, do you think it's really good for you to do this?"

"You want me to live forever, in order for Hua Sheng not to untie the charms on our mother and son, to take away my father, to trick Jiang Xinrui, to me... My mother feels that if it really does what you want, I will not die even more. Hurry? Will our mother and child die sooner?"

"Don't be confused, open the door and let my sister out!"

"Also, give the antidote to your son, otherwise I will bleed and put my own blood. Only in this way can I stay awake..."

At this moment, Bai Kangning also knows that Jiang Xinrui can't get out, and there is no time to reflect on her mother's crazy behavior. He is too naive and believes that her mother has really changed.

Who would have thought that Hua Lin could be paranoid and still be able to do this?

Bai Kangning curled up on the bed and did not dare to look at Jiang Xinrui, carrying her on his back, shouting to Hua Lin, just a few simple words, but it was like killing Bai Kangning, after speaking, he kept taking deep breaths and slowly raised his hand. Break the lamp beside the bed.

This is the only thing he can do now. If Jiang Xinrui hadn't come, he would be uncomfortable at best, trapping himself. Although he didn't know what would happen afterwards, at least he was still a little conscious.

Only now, Bai Kangning discovered that the things his mother left in this room, he not only breathed, but also ate it. It was difficult to wake up. Now Jiang Xinrui is still by his side. Bai Kangning doesn’t know it’s because of the things in the room. The problem is still his problem. He is now particularly sensitive to Jiang Xinrui's breath. If Bai Kangning had not figured out a way to trap himself when he realized that something was wrong, he would have long been unable to control and rushed forward.

In this regard, Bai Kangning bit his tongue with hatred, and exchanged the pain for a little sobriety...

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