Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3500: : You help me

"I underestimated you. Where did you get these things? Who is helping you? This is not what the human world should have."

"At this time, I'm still worried about whether I'm afraid? Why don't you worry about how painful your son's blood is draining? You trapped me here and designed such a game for me, all for your son. Why don't you feel sorry for him now? A lot of blood...I look dizzy, how much blood can he shed from this body? How long can he last? He can't die, but he feels uncomfortable, in my heart, plus the body, you are really willing ..."

"I'm telling you, I already sent a message to my parents when I came. They know that I am here. If I don't go back for a long time, what will you say? Do you think you are safe by cutting off all the signals here? You will only make my parents come faster, because they can't contact me..."

Jiang Xinrui stood at the door, discussing with Hua Lin outside the door.

Although it was a discussion, the tone was mocking. There was no good word, and even the aunty stopped calling.

Jiang Xinrui thought, she shouldn't call.

This auntie, if she shouted again, she would really panic.

Of course Jiang Xinrui's words to Hua Lin also stimulated her. Jiang Xinrui didn't watch Bai Kangning really cut his wrist. Regarding Bai Kangning, Jiang Xinrui could see that he was sane.

In this case, Jiang Xinrui would not watch him hurt herself.

If she is irrational, Jiang Xinrui doesn't know what to do, thinking about knocking him out for a while...

It's just that Jiang Xinrui completely ignored herself, because she had never been in contact with these things, let alone knowing these things, she could not be restrained with reason.

When Jiang Xinrui realized that her body was getting hotter and hotter, she was a little flustered when she was hot, and then became irritable, and said something threatening to Hua Lin.

Jiang Xinrui turned his head and looked at Bai Kangning, who was curled up in the quilt, stretching out his hand, still grinding his wrist, and became more irritable. I don't know why, this will look at Bai Kangning's hand. Jiang Xinrui especially wants to pass...

Thinking of this, Jiang Xinrui instantly turned her head and slammed the door again. The numbness from her palm gave Jiang Xinrui a brief sobriety.

Jiang Xinrui knew very well that this was not the way to go, but when she found out that it was wrong, she had already been recruited, and her mobile phone had long since lost its signal, and she had no mana. Jiang Xinrui would know what a lesson is.

The consequences of a momentary softheartedness...

She was fooled by Hua Lin's peace this year...

"You don't need to talk about this, let alone worry that someone will disturb you. Even if Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu come, it doesn't matter. I just don't need me to ask them. Let them see for themselves... In the end, they have to recognize it if they don't recognize it!"

"Besides, they are coming too...nothing, besides, just wait, don't resist, this medicine is specially formulated for you, and you won't be able to hold on for long."

Hua Lin immediately changed her words in the middle of speaking. Although Jiang Xinrui had already begun to react a little at this time, she still had reason. Hua Lin couldn't say anything.

Otherwise that person will be exposed, and she still needs the help of that person, it's not time yet...

As for the pain of the son, as long as he can live, nothing matters.

Hearing Hua Lin's words, Jiang Xinrui's eyebrows changed. Even if Hua Lin changed her words quickly, she also heard that something was wrong. Why was Hua Lin so sure?

Just without waiting for Jiang Xinrui to say anything, Bai Kangning was silent for a long time and made another voice.

"Ruier, can you help me..."

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