Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3507: : The person who appears

Ji Li made Jiang Xinrui a little bit unable to understand. She couldn't understand who Ji Li was and what he wanted.

When facing her, he always had a weird tone, irony, and sneer, almost undisguised. Could it be the grudge of the previous generation?

Jiang Xinrui thought it was very possible, but Ji Li did not tell the truth. According to Ji Li's name, Jiang Xinrui did not find any relevant people or things.

Jiang Xinrui didn't even reach the answer even after banging on Hua Sheng.

In this way, I am very passive...

But I have to say that today, it was Ji Li who saved her.

It’s just that Ji Li seems to understand her situation very well. I don’t know when he knew it, but for one thing, Ji Li didn’t do anything. He didn’t check Bai Kangning’s situation at all, so he just took a few glances and knew it. What is going on with Bai Kangning?

Isn't this a bit too divine?

Perhaps it is because of the lack of understanding of Ji Li, Jiang Xinrui always feels that Ji Li should not have that great ability, right?

Coupled with Ji Li's always invisible look, Jiang Xinrui really has some unrepresentative suspicions. Are these things related to him today?

But if it's really relevant, Jiang Xinrui thought, he shouldn't come, she would never think about such obvious loopholes, she wouldn't be able to find out, right?

At this time, outside the door.

As Ji Li said, Hua Lin soon discovered that the movement inside was different from what she thought, but in order to be foolproof, Hua Lin also pushed a lot of things to bet on the door.

So even if something went wrong now, Hua Lin couldn't push the door, she could only continue to push the only incense in her hand.

It's just that Hua Lin found out that the purple fragrance didn't know when it went out, but Hua Lin wanted to light it again but found it was useless.

This incense can't burn at all.

Hua Lin suddenly panicked. She lay on the door listening to the movement inside. She seemed to hear Jiang Xinrui talking to someone inside. In Hua Lin's cognition, there were only Jiang Xinrui and Bai Kangning, and no one else at all.

But in terms of time, it is impossible for Bai Kangning to answer sensibly at this time. The amount of medicine that the person said is enough for one hour, and now it is not just one hour.

"What's going on? There can be no accidents!"

Hua Lin muttered in a low voice, and then took out all the things in the house that could be lit, and it was bound to ignite the incense again. When Hua Lin took out the lighter again, suddenly she stretched out her hands behind her and grabbed it, connecting the fire and the incense. .


"Why are you back? Didn't you sweep your parents' graves?"

Hua Lin looked at the fire and incense that had been snatched away, her face suddenly changed, she looked like she was going to kill someone, her brows and eyes were hostile, she couldn't care why someone from her family showed up at this time, she just turned her head. At that moment, Hua Lin was even more surprised.

It's Bai Hao.

What she said to Jiang Xinrui, true or false, Bai Hao never really left here, but today is the anniversary of the death of the Bai family's parents, and the old couple left in one day.

Hua Lin took advantage of Bai Hao's absence and planned all this. If Bai Hao was there, Hua Lin couldn't guarantee whether he would agree, not to mention that Bai Kangning was unwilling.

It's already this time, Hua Lin can't listen to them everything.

She also has her own ideas, just like now!

"Bai Hao, don't make trouble, give me things, there must be no accidents today, I will explain to you later."

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