Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3518: :The origin of the liquid

Hua Sheng's expression was faint, as if he hadn't heard him. No matter what she said to the people around him, Hua Sheng didn't feel it anymore.

How can she recognize it? What if you don't recognize it?

Hua Sheng didn't care anymore.

In this age, she cares less and less...

And Hua Lin didn’t know if it was touched by Hua Sheng’s words. She understood that Hua Sheng would not let her go today, and there would not be much time left. Suddenly she didn’t want to say anything, just tightly. Holding the baby, she said nothing in silence.

Tears are pattering, she may be a madman, but a madman who loves her son, is she just doing it wrong? Is it really wrong?

Hua Lin didn't know, didn't want to know, and had no chance to know.

As she thought, Hua Sheng would not let her go.

"My son is already like this. I don't know if he is alive or dead. What do you want to do..."

Hua Lin hugged Bai Kangning's hotter and warmer body. She was really afraid that Bai Kangning's body would explode, but she was not qualified to say anything, and Bai Hao knelt on the ground, hugging Hua Lin mother and son.

"This is…"

"How could this happen? It shouldn't be unresponsive..."

Jiang Xinrui looked at the bottle of things and even appeared on Bai Kangning's body. Her eyes were a little puzzled. Not only her expression, but also very puzzled in her heart. He kept wondering, and I hope Ji Li can give her an answer!

Phoenix blood, plus Qilin blood is dark green? There was an answer in his heart, but he didn't dare to confirm it, and subconsciously looked at Chi Feng.

This shouldn't be something they have been waiting for for four years, right?

Aren't Chi Feng and Wan Feng still underage?

And Chi Feng only thought that Jiang Xinrui meant to doubt the authenticity of this thing, and nodded without thinking, and directly gave Jiang Xinrui an affirmative answer. This is what Jiang Xinrui thought of. It was his sister Wanfeng and Yu Qilin. Blood.

Phoenix blood plus Qilin blood.

Phoenix blood is red, but Qilin blood, he also knew not long ago, Qilin blood is green...

As for the idea of ​​becoming an adult Phoenix, based on the date of the human world, he and his sister Wanfeng do have a few days left, but this is a few days under age, not his sister Wanfeng, Wanfeng is already an adult.

The two of them were twins, but they were not born in a day. After the mother gave birth to her sister, there was a full three-day interval because of his health.

It is only said that the two children are the same, according to Chifeng’s main principle, and the reason why Chifeng went back to the Demon Realm a few days ago and took a leave of absence at school is also because their family wanted to guard the moment when Wanfeng became an adult. !

This phoenix blood was also the first time Wanfeng informed Huasheng and Jiangliu after he became an adult. Wanfeng felt that he should not keep the Huasheng family secret. As for what Huasheng Jiangliu wanted to do, it was their problem.

She has donated Phoenix blood.

This is also why Hua Sheng, Jiang Liu, and even Chi Feng delayed their time when they came to Jiang Xinrui, because when Jiang Xinrui was in trouble, the ten-mile spring breeze was also very lively, and Yu Qilin was also here. It was a coincidence that she came. In addition, the time was almost up, Hua Sheng didn't want to wait, so he took the blood directly.

And Yu Qilin saw that Wanfeng drank her grass-green unicorn blood, and finally incorporated some Phoenix blood! Until this process was over and handed over to Hua Sheng, Chi Feng didn't show up at all.

This is the origin of this dark green liquid...

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