Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3524: : News leakage

"A Sheng, where are you? Hua Lin?"

"Trying to avoid it, my little apprentice told me that I don’t know who told me that the Bai family had an anecdote, and that your two families... Anyway, I don’t believe those, protect Rui'er, I asked Zhuo Tian to check it out. , See if it's the one who's doing all these disgusting things!"

Hua Sheng picked up the phone and saw that it was Feng Xi, so he answered it directly, even without waiting for her to say anything, Feng Xi just said it over there, and the tone was still very anxious.

After saying this, Feng Xi added another sentence, "A Sheng, are you listening?"

"I'm listening. I'm here at Hualin. You don't need to ask Zhuo Tian to find it. I know who did it. She is unconscious now, so don't worry about it."

Hua Sheng put down the phone and turned to look at Hua Lin with his eyes closed. The corners of his mouth were slightly bent, but it was not a smile, but a cold mockery. Hua Lin should be grateful that she became pregnant and went into a state of suspended animation in a coma. , Otherwise Hua Sheng might really cut her off at this time.

Jiang Liu would also want to let her feel the consequences of what she did.

"Shall we cast a spell and leave?"

Hearing Hua Sheng answering the phone, Chi Feng looked at Jiang Xinrui.

He can take Jiang Xinrui and leave directly, avoiding people outside, no matter what, there is no need to let the other party know this.

Chi Feng went to school with Jiang Xinrui in the human world, and has a better understanding of many things in this world. He understands that reporters in this world are sometimes really difficult to entangle, and black energy can be said to be white.

If Jiang Xinrui’s incident is exploded, people outside can send it out according to what she sees. Jiang Xinrui will always be pointed out if she wants to live in this world.

Even if the truth is revealed, they will be used behind the scenes to talk. Chi Feng naturally doesn't want to hear others slander Jiang Xinrui behind his back. Thinking of this makes her heart uncomfortable.

Hua Sheng gave Feng Xi a relief. Hearing Chi Feng's words, he nodded and finally glanced at Hua Sheng. The family disappeared under Bai Hao's eyelids.

At this time, the only sober person left in the Bai family was Bai Hao. He held his pregnant wife and his son with his eyes closed, watching the Huasheng family turn and leave...

Bai Hao hasn't spoken all the time. He heard Hua Sheng's words, but he really didn't know when Hua Lin asked someone to do these things outside?

Does she really want to tie the two children together with public opinion?

Where is this stupid way!

"Xiao Lin, this is what you did. Look at the situation now?"

Bai Hao hugged Hua Lin and muttered in a low voice. At this moment, Bai Hao was at a loss. He didn't know how to make up for what Hua Lin did, as well as his son's situation, when he would wake up, or even if he would wake up. He doesn't know either.

What Bai Hao didn’t know was that after Hua Sheng and the others left, he came again, but the person didn’t show up. He wanted to inquire about sin, but looking at Hua Lin’s condition, he only said a useless voice. Then disappeared.

Ten miles of spring breeze.

Feng Xi has been waiting for Hua Sheng and others to come back in the spring breeze of ten miles. When Hua Sheng and others suddenly appeared in front of her, she could only lament that Hua Sheng's spiritual power was so powerful that he could bring so many people at once.

When Feng Xi saw Jiang Xinrui, he quickly stepped forward and looked up and down: "What the **** is going on? Are we Ruier frightened!"

"A Sheng, I can't tell you on the phone, don't you need to find Zhuo Tian? Then we will recognize this dumb boy?"

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