Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3530: : Seniority suppression

Fengxi leaned against the sofa seat facing Jiang Xinrui, Hua Sheng, and Hua Zhi, standing, and sitting on the two side sofas were Jiang Liu and Chi Feng respectively.

And when Feng Xi finished saying this, she didn't know what she thought of, so she looked at Chi Feng inexplicably...

Then Hua Zhi and others followed Fengxi's gaze and looked over.

Blazing Phoenix...

At this moment, his mind is full of question marks, why are they looking at him like this?

This year, Chi Feng, Wanfeng and Jiang Xinrui went to school together, and they were familiar with Feng Xi and Hua Zhi, who often interacted with Hua Sheng.

Chi Feng calls Feng Xi and Hua Zhi auntie, which is a normal way of saying hello to people. It can be said that it really saves face. Regarding Chi Feng and Wan Feng’s identity, Hua Sheng didn’t explain much, except that he was a child. The children of acquaintances in the mountains.

This was just an explanation to Hua Zhi. After all, some people like Hua Zhi had vague memories. Hua Sheng said for sure that although Hua Zhi was a little confused, he didn’t say anything. Besides, watching Jiang Xinrui talk to Chifeng and Wanfeng Very familiar, the doubts will be left behind.

It's just that Feng Xi is a little bit stressed when facing Chi Feng, so she doesn't need Hua Sheng to explain anything, because Feng Xi knows Chi Feng. After all, she might have to call Chi Feng a higher level. The title.

Who told her ancestors to marry Bai Ran, and Chi Feng is Bai Ran's younger brother, even if he is not a blood relative, but the feelings are there. It is not that the stubborn phoenix is ​​a demon, and Feng Xi is not, regardless of whether it is right or wrong? Chi Feng’s sister and brother never harm people, mainly because her ancestors were very polite to Chi Feng and Wanfeng. Moreover, her two little ancestors who were only a few months older than her Qin Xiaobao were called Uncle Chifeng...

This generation is really a bit chaotic.

Fortunately, when in the human world, you are not limited to these, otherwise Feng Xi really feels that she is very stressed. From the beginning, the pressure has gradually become a lot more natural, but Hua Zhi is a human being, and he sees his uncomfortableness. But Hua Zhi thought Feng Xi was just like herself, and was shocked by Chi Feng's expression...

When Hua Zhi met Chi Feng for the first time, she sighed that she was married early. Fortunately, the old man in her family was still very tasty...Of course it was just a joke. Hua Zhi really felt that Chi Feng was beautiful. It is pale to describe it in any words.

Having been in the entertainment industry for many years, I have never seen a boy with such a good foundation.

A man who can grow up to be more dazzling than a woman, a country full of power, just one glance will make people fall into it unconsciously. If this is dressed as a women's dress, Hua Zhi wants to be even more prosperous than her five sisters back then. .

Since Hua Zhi met Chi Feng, she created a character specially for him. It can be said that seeing Chi Feng is a typical novel protagonist who has a face.

Can be male or female.

It's just that no matter what Hua Zhi thinks, Chi Feng is unwilling to act. After all, his appearance has made him very troublesome behind him, and the extra Chi Feng really doesn't want it.

Hua Zhi had been a pity for this for a long time, even thinking of letting Jiang Xinrui help but said, after all, this kid Chi Feng only listens to Jiang Xinrui...

There is also Wanfeng, Hua Zhi also likes it very much, the whole is a female general, Hua Zhi also created a role for Wanfeng, a heroic female general, Wanfeng did not refuse, I think it is very interesting, already Ready to shoot...

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