Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3532: : Not grateful

What Hualin meant by then was that everything in Bai Kangning's room was specially prepared for her?

Restrain her spiritual power!

To know how strong Jiang Xinrui is, it only depends on how much spiritual power is. Such things are secrets, but they are not secrets.

At least it is not possible for everyone to know, and even if they know, what can they do? As long as there is spiritual power, it can be said that Jiang Xinrui can do whatever he wants.

But before, it had to be guaranteed to have spiritual power, and in Bai Kangning's room, Jiang Xinrui could not feel any spiritual power, and was even suppressed alive.

This is definitely not a simple thing, let alone restrain her spiritual power easily, and the opponent's ability should not be underestimated.

If Hua Lin didn't say that the thing was specifically for her, Jiang Xinrui might still wonder if someone was diverting her attention. Like Tuttle at the beginning, she used an excuse to deal with her, but actually dealt with her own mother.

Only this time, just like a certain affirmation, Jiang Xinrui felt that the person behind the other party was directed at her, and had nothing to do with the identity of his father or mother.

But as everyone thought, why?

Jiang Xinrui really reflected on herself. She hasn't offended anyone in these years, right? She admits that she is not negotiating, but is not kindness the reason? The most important thing is that the person helping Hua Lin should not belong to the human world. It is not that Jiang Xinrui thinks that the human world is a Muggle, but how can Muggles suppress spiritual power?

Is it possible that with the progress of the times, Muggles have also begun to study how to restrain spiritual power?

Jiang Xinrui felt that it was impossible. In this case, it could only be done by other people who did not belong to the human world. It was even more strange. Apart from the human world, Jiang Xinrui would not have much contact with people outside.

Although Jiang Xinrui has come into contact with so many people from all walks of life, there are really only a few!

There are still names that can be said, and those are even less likely to harm her, it is simply a dead end...

At present, Ji Li is the only one who has been in contact with more, and is the most suspicious!

When he has the entity, he is free, and naturally there is no relationship with her. Normally this is a good thing. Ji Li longs for freedom, and Jiang Xinrui himself is Ji Li hurried away, don’t pry into her own thoughts. It's just weird, Jiang Xinrui feels that Ji Li doesn't want to leave again?

When I was in Bai Kangning’s room, Ji Li turned his head to look at her eyes when he was worried about being discovered by his parents. It was very inexplicable. He clearly said that his parents were coming and might be found. But at that time, Ji Li's eyes were faint. Is a little excited, even expected...

Jiang Xinrui couldn't understand him.

And Ji Li also said about the things in Bai Kangning’s room. He could only suppress her for twelve hours. He was very sure. He could easily handle everything in Bai Kangning’s room so that he wouldn’t stop. Encroached by the fragrant fragrance.

If it hadn’t been because of the contractual relationship with Ji Li before, at the moment of emotional fluctuations, Ji Li would feel normal if he was normal. Jiang Xinrui would really think that Ji Li had framed herself in the dark. It was really for Ji Li as a person. I don't understand, I can't understand, who knows what he is thinking, and when he speaks, he is always yin and yang strange, inexplicable.

No wonder Jiang Xinrui had such an idea. Even if Ji Li appeared to save her first, Jiang Xinrui did not really feel relieved to Ji Li, even if she was grateful.

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