Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3535: : I'm not kind

Hua Lin is guilty, but her child, even Bai Kangning, is really involved, but what does the unborn child have to do with?

What's wrong with him, he didn't do anything, it became a reason.

A reason that can be calculated.

"We also just learned that we can only say that the child has a hard life, and he was reborn by Hua Lin's side."

Hua Sheng said coldly.

When Hua Sheng said this, she didn’t go to see Hua Zhi. She knew what Hua Zhi didn’t finish saying, but no matter what, Hua Zhi didn’t say what was in her heart, so Hua Sheng didn’t say much. What, the last sentence is Hua Sheng's explanation.

If Hua Zhi said something she didn't want to listen to, Hua Sheng would not be so good. It would be a big deal to lose one sister again.

Today, the people around him are walking around, Hua Sheng no longer feels anything in his heart, and all the distressed ones are gone, numb.

Now someone is going to calculate her children, Hua Sheng is just pushing the boat along the way. If this is all to be said, then she really has nothing to say.

"The little life is innocent, but there are too many innocent people, and we can't take care of it. I know that everyone is worried about me because of my business. I thank you for your worry. In the end, it is because I am too young to believe her words. , Otherwise it won’t be what it is today, so I don’t care what is innocent or innocent. All the people who participated in this incident this time, anyway, I must find out all of them, which made me stumble. , I can’t just forget it.”

"So I won't be soft-hearted. As for the word innocence, it doesn't matter in my eyes anymore..."

"That's it for today. I will take care of the rest. It is already very late. I am very tired today, so I will go to rest first."

Jiang Xinrui got up and bowed to everyone, expressing her worry about her gratitude, and the real meaning was obvious. She didn't want to say it anymore, interrupting the embarrassment caused by her at this time. It was obvious that her parents had calculated Hua Lin together because of her. But there is no problem in Jiang Xinrui's eyes.

If you dare to calculate others, of course you have to pay a price. Isn't this a normal thing?

But Jiang Xinrui also understands what Hua Zhi meant. An unborn baby is innocent. You should not use a child to do anything, let alone put your "mind" on the child. She does not agree with Hua Lin and cannot agree with Hua Sheng. Jiang Liu’s approach.

It's just that Jiang Xinrui's attitude that she doesn't want to talk about now also explains everything, she won't be like Hua Zhi thought.

Because she has never been kind-hearted, it is because everyone has misunderstood her. Jiang Xinrui didn't want to explain anything, but she didn't want to continue the stalemate on this topic. The relationship with Huazhi is getting stale, so the gain is not worth the loss. I really don’t want to know who treats her well or not. Jiang Xinrui sees it very clearly. Now these are people who are always thinking of her in their hearts, otherwise they will not say nothing. When they encounter such news, there will be nothing. Suspicion, all towards her, not to mention, suppressing all the unfavorable news from the outside.

Jiang Xinrui really understood that because of this, Jiang Xinrui wanted to interrupt and didn't want to continue this topic.

Lest Hua Sheng quarrel with Hua Zhi is even more embarrassing.

And when Jiang Xinrui finished saying this, Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu didn't speak, because they understood Jiang Xinrui's meaning.

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