Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3546: :I forgot

The shout of Yu Qilin directly reached the first generation of Shaohua. Chi Feng was very disturbed when he heard the movement, and got up and rushed to the spring breeze for ten miles without thinking.

When Chi Feng entered the ten-mile spring breeze, the situation inside was a bit quiet and strange for a while.

Just when Yu Qilin finished shouting that he didn't use it, everyone was surprised. Some did not understand the meaning of Yu Qilin, so they looked at Yu Qilin one by one. As for Yu Qilin, it seemed that he finally realized that he was overreacting, and looked on. It's embarrassing.

With the entrance of Chi Feng, this scene was broken!

"I don't mean anything else, I'm just worried that you will misunderstand me. I don't want to help! Because what I did before caused problems for Chi Feng, and now I have become Wanfeng again. I thought it was my relationship and I was anxious. That’s it...We can do it now. I will give you how much blood we need right away. This is over, we all have less thoughts."

"I don't have to worry about it all day long. Because of the confusion I did before, Mr. Jiang has already talked to me, and I also realized my mistake. I won't trouble Chi Feng anymore. Please trust me!"

"Chi Feng, you don’t have to avoid me anymore. It’s really okay. The previous thing was my fault. I shouldn’t ignore your wishes. I’m paranoid. I’ve been trying to apologize to you before, but it’s in the way For the sake of face, I just thought about waiting for today. I didn't expect you to come, so I was in a hurry, but now you are here, I'm really sorry, can you forgive me for the past things?"

Yu Qilin was embarrassed that he had overreacted, and was thinking of how to explain it, but didn't expect to see Chi Feng really appear. Although there was a rush, it didn't matter, it was enough to break her embarrassment.

As for this apology, Yu Qilin said nothing wrong.

It's just that Yu Qilin didn't see that Jiang Liu changed his eyes slightly when she said this. He had indeed talked to Yu Qilin, but how did he feel the tone of Yu Qilin's words... a bit strange.

The specific river flow is not strange, but it just doesn't feel right.

He did talk to Jade Qilin, not because Jiang Xinrui wanted him to go, but because Jiang Liu wanted to give her a hand at what Jade Qilin did, and Nightmare was gone, Jiang Liu couldn’t look at Jade Qilin. The road is crooked, sometimes it is a reminder.

Only now, Jiang Liu felt that what Jade Qilin said, and the tone and attitude when he was speaking, was not right, but even so, Jiang Liu didn’t say anything because he suddenly couldn’t understand what Jade Qilin meant, and really apologized ? Or is there any change?

As for Chifeng and Wanfeng, they were both surprised when they heard Yu Qilin's words.

After all, they couldn't see clearly the attitude of Jade Kylin that day. They thought that at best they didn't need to meet him, but they didn't expect to apologize directly?

It seems that Yuqilin's quiet year is really quiet after letting go?

Regarding this, whether it is Chi Feng or Wan Feng, of course they like to hear and hear, they don't want to have a bad relationship with Feng, if they can get along well, it would be great.

"Where are you talking? Since it has passed, I have forgotten it. The most urgent task now is to get blood to break the curse!"

Chi Feng stood in front of Jade Qilin and nodded slightly to show respect to her. Everything was the same as before. Greetings to Jade Qilin from the elders!

And Chi Feng is naturally willing to forget that matter, as long as Yu Qilin don't mention it again!

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