Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3549: : Insight into the mood

Although the relationship between the two families has become harmonious in recent years, in Wanfeng’s view, this bargaining chip can only be reassured. Once the Chifeng incident breaks out, it is not a trivial matter. According to the current situation of Jiang Liu and Hua Sheng not participating in the outside world Without her help today, Wanfeng would really be afraid that Jiang Xinrui would not be able to persuade her parents to protect Chifeng.

Moreover, in the past few years with Jiang Xinrui, Wanfeng was sensitive to discover that Jiang Xinrui was never a good person. Looking at Jiang Xinrui's attitude towards new friends, Wanfeng often lamented that Chi Feng had met Jiang Xinrui in an impenetrable early life.

Otherwise, when Jiang Xinrui grows up, Wanfeng really can't guarantee that Jiang Xinrui will make any difference to them. At most, she will be in contact with them on the surface, but if she wants to go to her heart, it is a dream! It is absolutely impossible.

Wanfeng never dared to say this, and she didn’t understand why Jiang Xinrui’s personality was so suspicious. In his heart, is it true that they are friends?

It’s just that, Wanfeng didn’t even dare to point out, even his younger brother didn’t say, because Wanfeng was worried that Chifeng knew that there would be changes, so she went to Jiang Xinrui to ask, if it really resembles what she thought, then it would be a break. The surface is calm, and Wanfeng finds that Jiang Xinrui likes to get along with Chifeng, maybe Jiang Xinrui likes the appearance of being simple and not obstructing the world.

Perhaps only in this way can Jiang Xinrui feel that she can approach safely and without any irritation.

In this regard, Wanfeng naturally remained silent. All the guesses and certainties were in her heart. It was enough for her to understand many things. Her brother only needed a happy life.

Just like now, the blood taking is completely counted on her. Wanfeng doesn’t think there is anything wrong, and even thinks that for her younger brother and family, if only taking some blood can solve it, then Wanfeng is willing to give more blood. .

Therefore, Wanfeng must not consider what Hua Sheng said! There is no need to consider these at all. Relatively speaking, Wanfeng is more worried about what Hua Sheng means by saying these words?

Is it repentant and don't want to use her anymore? Without this level of contact, the relationship with Shili Chunfeng has faded a lot, and Wanfeng's heart has also become uneasy.

"I won't regret it, besides, this is an agreement we have made long ago. I am willing, but it is just a little bit of my blood. I can really do it."

Hearing Hua Sheng's words, Wanfeng glanced at Chifeng, and then said affirmatively again, now it seems that she is almost a step away, how can she stop at this moment?

Hearing Hua Sheng’s words, Chi Feng looked at Jiang Liu, and then looked at his sister, and reached out to hold her sister’s hand. He knew in his heart that his sister was all for him. Now Chi Feng thinks most of the same as Hua Sheng’s. of.

He also hoped that Wanfeng would think about it. Taking blood is not that simple, but Chi Feng’s heart is actually very contradictory, because he also wanted to help Jiang Xinrui. When he didn’t know his body was willing, Chi Feng wanted to take blood. His own blood, as much blood is okay, now that this person has become an older sister to replace him, Chi Feng feels very guilty.

But Wanfeng did not change her mind, and nodded affirmatively.

She understands what Chi Feng thinks, but there are more things in Wanfeng's heart...

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