Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3556: : Don't ask

Wanfeng got up and patted Chifeng. Although she changed the subject a bit bluntly, it really touched Chifeng's mind. He really wanted to go to school a few more times.

Not for anything else, just to feel the campus atmosphere of the human world, because when he became an adult, Chi Feng didn't feel that he would still be willing to stay. He just left some memories for himself before he became an adult, with his sister and Jiang Xinrui.

I just didn't expect my sister to mention this at this time.

"Sister, the third uncle is right. My attention is often diverted, but I am also in absolute safety and trust. Now I feel that my sister's words did not make me feel trust and safety. You don't know exactly what happened. What happened, we are very worried."

"Besides, sister, you are hiding from us now. Didn't we say that, the family will never hide each other?"

Chi Feng is not being diverted this time. He has just been taught by his third uncle. Chi Feng feels that his third uncle is right. He is often led off track, but it is also because he does not have the slightest doubt about the people around him, of course. What to say, Chi Feng turned around.

Now Wanfeng didn't want to say anything anymore, and hid her whereabouts. Although she knew that this was Wanfeng's choice when she became an adult, everyone was worried about her.

No one can really take this matter lightly, so whether it is Chifeng or Fengying will keep asking.

"Don’t ask anymore. It’s really nothing. I just don’t want you to worry about it. I just want to be alone and think of a lot of things. For a while, I don’t know how to accept it. That’s why I look desperate. ."

"If you two don't have to rest, then let's go, clean up and go to school!"

"Perhaps you will understand my feelings when you become an adult. It's the test you will encounter in adulthood, which makes me a little overwhelmed."

Wanfeng interrupted Chifeng again, not wanting to hear what her younger brother was saying. Wanfeng knew very well Sanshu and Chifeng's worries about her, but couldn't understand her feelings no matter how worried they were.

What she needs most now is to calmly think about her own problems, and the so-called demons will change their temperament greatly after adulthood because the test they encounter will change their minds.

There are a lot of people who will stay true to their hearts and will not change anything. Such people are not like her second uncle. Everyone says that second uncle is the only one who has never changed from birth to death. He has always been It's so proud and unworthy.

But this does not mean that all demons will be like this. Just like Wanfeng herself, what she encountered made Wanfeng doubt whether she was facing a test.

All in all, it is very complicated. Wanfeng didn't know what she was going to do. In fact, she was asking her third uncle, asking him what exactly she met as an adult, and what did she see and feel? Is it because she is a demon, so she longs for darkness? But the darkness in the memory is cold, without the aura of a demon at all, and she herself seems to be drawn in without control, and she has been walking towards the abyss, seeming to have a kind of call.

This feeling is really weird. Intuition tells Wanfeng that she must have encountered something later, including why she walked back inexplicably, it was not for no reason.

It’s just that she doesn’t remember. When she saw Chifeng and Sanshu, Wanfeng was really puzzled. She didn’t even remember what happened yesterday. Based on Chifeng’s dictation, Wanfeng only remembered a little bit. …

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