Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3561: : Voice Master

A deep depression, even with some hoarse male voices, came out under this abyss, and even echoes, so that the specific location and specific person could not be heard at all.

The tone of the man's speech was painful and unbearable, as if he was suffering something...

"You have said this sentence countless times. I have heard enough. I don't want to listen, but I am still willing to answer you. I told you since you asked me the first time a year ago. , I’m crazy, I can’t be fooled like this, no one can refuse me, besides, I have no retreat, the thing is already in her body, I can’t take it out at all, I can only try to the end, maybe that If things can happen, I know what you are worried about. Isn't that no one is coming to me now? That means it hasn't been discovered yet."

"Even if I'm found out, I'm not afraid. What can they do to me? Who dares to really hurt me? Always keep some face, but if I become it, I will be considered as getting what I want, although there are some minor accidents in the process. It's enough as long as the results are still there."

"And now she can't remember anything. No one will find me. Even if she finds out, it's too late. What I can do is already done. Some things go deep into my bones, but I can't take them out."

It was a female voice that answered that suppressed pain.

And this female voice is also invisible, her body has been hidden in the dark, but it is not difficult to hear some excitement that is difficult to conceal in her voice.

Yes, she was very excited.

As the man said, she was insane and hopeless, because no one could really understand how she felt.

"What about me? What do you want to do I can't stop you, and I don't want to stop, why are you still trapped? When are you going to let me go? I have been missing for long enough, you really think no one is looking for Me? Don’t forget, I’ve never been a nameless man!"

"You locked me up, didn’t you worry that I would reveal your secrets? But what I have said can still be clear. I will not report on you. Besides, even if I report on you, is it too late? You have to do everything I did, and there is more than one. Although I did not participate, I know all of them and I am also an accomplice. When they know all this, they will not let me go. Do you think I will take the initiative to stand up and be killed? How many of those people are Don’t you know how to protect your shortcomings?"

"I really don't understand you, why do I have to have trouble with her, who is she, who are we, and while it is not serious, she has not suffered any substantial harm. I really advise you to stop. Otherwise, I can already predict your fate."

The man’s voice was very low, as if he was using the last of his life’s strength to persuade. Although he was persuading the other party, he was also persuading himself. Now this situation has a lot to do with him. He can no longer be wrong and must stand. He came out, but at this moment he was trapped, his mana was sealed, no one could see it, and now he can only find a way to save himself.

"You don’t understand, no one can understand, the feeling of a true heart being trampled on, disgusted, and cruelly left behind! I can’t swallow this breath, and I shouldn’t have such a destiny! As for you, just leave me alone. , Waiting for my good rest, otherwise I won’t let you out. If it really fails, you will be buried with me. Anyway, this is what you have always expected, isn’t it?"

"Nangong Liuyue?"

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