Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3563: : Reappearance of Gu Worm

Yu Qilin's self-esteem was greatly hurt, and when she saw the people outside, Yu Qilin felt that everyone was different to her, and everyone laughed at her behind her back!

How could this make her reconciled? How could she be able to bear it, so she must retaliate, this is a necessity, anyway, the owner is no longer there, no one can tell her, and no one is qualified to teach her, not even Jiang Liu!

Yu Qilin remembered what Jiang Liu said to her that day, and remembered it in her heart...

After Yu Qilin left, Nangong Liuyue lowered his head and did not speak. He knew that Yu Qilin would not let him go, but he was still not reconciled. Nangong Liuyue knew that Yu Qilin was actually not bad in nature, but how could it be Did your temperament change drastically overnight?

If she hadn't been with Yu Qilin all the time, Nangong Liuyue might have doubted whether Yu Qilin had been dropped, and the harmful ideas in her mind. Nangong Liuyue was simply unheard of, and she didn't even dare to think about it.

Nangong Liuyue even felt that she had misunderstood, but he didn't give him time to prove anything. Yu Qilin told him everything directly. Then Nangong Liuyue would feel wrong. Why did she suddenly explain it so clearly? When he woke up again, everything was known. Yu Qilin used him to test the medicine, check the effect, and watched by his side how long the medicine repaired by the seal could last, and finally waited until she tried to control the time. Medicine, finally controlled him under the abyss.

Nangong Liuyue was always distressed. Although Yu Qilin was a little headstrong at the beginning, she was also a very kind little girl. Why did she become like this in a few years? Use all available factors around you to deal with innocent people and grab things that don't belong to you.

In short, no matter what Nangong Liuyue thinks, what Yu Qilin should and shouldn’t do, she has done everything. Now she is indeed trying to get Chifeng’s likes, but more for her face, waiting for her to be with Chifeng. At that time, all the ridicule will cease to exist.

It's just that it hurts Wanfeng, she is the most innocent, because originally she had to put that thing directly on Chifeng's body, and then Chifeng will change her little by little, and she will feel strong in her heart. The wish made Chi Feng's heart appear subconscious, and slowly, Chi Feng would feel that she was true love, and no one could take it away. She no longer had to worry about who would affect them.

She will retaliate a little bit for those who laugh at her. The first thing is Jiang Xinrui. She occupied the position next to Chi Feng. Chi Feng’s eyes are only Jiang Xinrui. If Yu Qilin doesn’t deal with Jiang Xinrui’s eye-catching existence, Jade Qilin has troubles all day long, but Jade Qilin knows that she is limited and cannot kill Jiang Xinrui, otherwise Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu will be held accountable. That is what Jade Qilin did not want to see, so she started from elsewhere and destroyed it first. Jiang Xinrui, in conjunction with the people around her, made her no longer qualified to stand by Chifeng's side. In this way, Yu Qilin's threat would be small.

As for other stinky fish and shrimps, Yu Qilin didn't take it seriously.

It's just that all the plans now deviate, and they don't match the expectations.

In order to cultivate a suitable Gu to control Blazing Phoenix, Yu Qilin did not hesitate to use his own body as a guide, and would suffer from the bite of Gu worms all day long. I thought I saw Blazing Phoenix and waited for him to drink his own blood. I didn’t expect to be drunk by Wanfeng...

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