Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 356: : Secretly borrowing money

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Xiao Lin, is it convenient for you to meet? Dad wants to see you."

Hua Lin did not have a ceremony when she got married, nor did she invite her parents. Only Hua Sheng and Hua Zhi were witnesses in the hospital. She and Bai Hao simply received the certificate.

After being discharged from the hospital, he lived in a two-bedroom apartment bought by Bai Hao and lived a warm and peaceful life, perhaps because he knew he had little time, so Hua Lin cherished it.

For the Hua family, she never went back once, not because of cruelty, but that her parents didn’t like Bai Hao very much, and didn’t want to block it.

Now that my father said he wanted to meet, Hua Lin was a little surprised at first, and after a long struggle, she slowly agreed, "Okay, Dad."

Bai Hao went to work, and Hua Lin changed to a heavy down jacket. He went out after being fully armed and wore a mask.

Because of her illness, her immune system's ability to resist viruses is very low, so Bai Hao wants to let her go out, especially in such a cold winter.

In a western restaurant in the city center, Huazhen Yue first arrived, and waited for about ten minutes before Hua Lin arrived.

"Xiao Lin, here." Huazhen Yue waved her hand.

Hualin came over, then unbuttoned the down jacket and slowly sat down.

Her face was haggard, but her condition was okay, but she didn't look like a cancer patient.

"what do you want to eat?"

"I can do it, Dad."

"Then give you a steak?"

"Okay." Hua Lin was a good talker, and she didn't care much about her diet.

The father and daughter chatted after ordering food, and Hua Zhenyue looked at Hua Lin, "How is your condition, do you really want to stop surgery? In fact, you are in the early stages, and the chance of recovery from surgery is very high. , Don’t you want to try it?"

"Dad, I don't want to take any risks. In case the operation fails, the cancer cells will spread. Maybe I could have lived for five years but died in less than half a year. I don't want to do that. I can't afford to lose."

"Hey, okay, your mother and I miss you so much, if you have go back and see her."

"I will. It's just that the weather has been too cold recently. I was going to go back in a few days."

"Well, your mother and I... Even the previous things are gone, now you are married, we don’t want to admit it, there is no way, so you don’t have to worry about it, let’s not mention the past, you will still be our daughter, Bai Hao, we It’s the same with your big brother-in-law and second brother-in-law."

"Thank you dad." Hua Lin's attitude has always been tepid, perhaps after seeing the world's cold and warm after illness, so more indifferent.

At about the same time, the steak came up. After the father and daughter had finished eating, Huazhen Yue also asked Hualin for a dessert and talked to her about some of her childhood.

Finally, Hua Lin took the initiative to ask, "Dad, are you coming to see me this year, is there something wrong?"

Hua Zhenyue was embarrassed, and was indeed guessed by Hua Lin. Finding his daughter is not the subject. He has other things to say.

"Xiao Lin...this thing... Dad is a bit difficult to talk about, but he can only tell you when he thinks about it, because you want to come with a strict mouth and not talk nonsense, can you borrow some money from Dad?"

"Borrowing money?" Hua Lin thought she had heard it wrong, and dad actually asked her to borrow money?

"Yes, both of our money are kept by your mother. I own a small vault that has been used for stocks, but recently the stock market has not been very good, I lost it, so if there are private expenses, it will be inconvenient. You know the character of your mother. I love nagging and don’t like to listen to her ink me, so I’ll talk to you for a while and wait for my dad to get it back.”

"How much do you use, dad?"

"One hundred thousand." Huazhen Yue thought about it.

Hualin opened her wallet and withdrew one of the bank cards from it. "Dad, there are more than 180,000 here. You can hold it first, don't need to return it."

"This will not work. Dad must give you back, but Xiao Lin, don't tell anyone, you know? Don't even say to your third and fifth sisters." Hua Zhenyue repeated.

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