Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3583: : A life of loneliness

"Come out, it's still March, and the sea is very cold, aren't you girls the most afraid of the cold?"

After Ji Li said those words, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, he stretched out his hand towards Jiang Xinrui.

"Other girls may be scared, but I won't! Don't forget, I can gather the nine-day sacred flame anytime, anywhere, and make a fire for myself... Do you want to be together?"

"Oh, I knocked on that book last night, but you didn’t respond. Of course, I’m most curious about why you have your own body now and the book is still there? Are you not afraid of my nine-day sacred fire now? ?"

Jiang Xinrui looked at Ji Li's outstretched hand, did not catch it, just turned around and walked out on her own. This little seawater would not kill her. Besides, she never trusted Ji Li much. How could it be true? Use him.

Ji Li is really the most complicated person she has ever met. She will never see the true thoughts of this person, let alone his purpose. Jiang Xinrui feels very irritable about this. The recent events have already made her irritable enough. Yes, now Ji Li, a person beyond his control, has become even more unpredictable.

Regarding the unwinding of the contract, Jiang Xinrui felt that every time she said to unwind, Ji Li also agreed, but then she would change the subject by saying something else.

Ji Li didn't seem to want to untie it.

Jiang Xinrui is still confused about this issue. She wants to unlock this contract and does not want to have any intersection with Ji Li's troubles, but she does not want to do so, because if it is really solved, all Ji Li's whereabouts may not be possible. Will know that the restraint on Ji Li will disappear.

If he did something...

This matter troubled Jiang Xinrui, but the most troublesome thing was that she didn't even have a negotiator. Jiang Xinrui couldn't say anything about this matter.

If Ji Li's identity is problematic, and if you talk to someone, it will spread slowly. When the time comes, you will find her as well. Jiang Xinrui doesn't want to take the trouble.

In the final analysis, Ji Li's biggest trouble was the one she let out and brought it out under the eyes of the Emperor.

"Fear, of course, you don’t have to think about testing me. It doesn’t matter whether you and my contract is unlocked or not. It is good for you and me. When you are in trouble, your heartbeat becomes abnormal. , I will have the induction, only I can help, under normal circumstances I will come."

"Other times, I will not delay you. After all, I also have my own business. You will not do any substantial harm to you. I do have a lot of things to hide from you, including my past, true or false. In fact, it’s not that important anymore..."

"I admit that at the beginning, I wanted to use you to do something, but I regretted it. Anyway, I can stand in this world again. You helped me. The past grievances, let it In the past, I have been immersed in the book for many years. I cherish my body now. I will not do any movements. You can rest assured that I will not do anything to kill myself. Of course, I also have a new purpose. That is to help you. What I am doing now is to pay back your kindness."

"Who calls me so kind, I am the kindest koi in the world."

"I know you may not believe it, but I'm pretty sure the result of my divination, I won't leave you alone for a lifetime!"

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