Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 363: : Blood Mantra

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Not right." Hua Sheng stunned slightly, muttering quietly in his mouth.

"Oh, I'm going to a bathroom, you wait for me." Xie Dongyao didn't drink less at night, so he always wanted to go to the toilet.

Just before she went to the toilet vacancy, Jiang Liu asked Huasheng, "What's wrong? Ashen, is there any problem with Xie Dongyao's birthday?"

Hua Sheng shook his head, "No, the fifth day of July is good, and the face is also a blessed woman, how can...then a lot of bad luck envelopes his head?"

Hua Sheng really couldn't figure it out. When he used to do divination for Xie Dongyao, it was just the luck of the divination. It didn't involve a lifetime of luck.

Looking at Xie Dongyao's bad luck in his present life, and worrying about his life, Huasheng is struggling with three, and he still gives an helping hand as an exception.

But after Xie Dongyao's birthday, he was confused again. His birthday was good and his face was good, but... Where did the bad luck come from?

Hua Sheng was puzzled. After a while, Xie Dongyao came back. She didn't know what happened, so she was in a good mood to accompany Hua Sheng to eat dessert and chat with the river.

Rare fairy sisters are interested in talking to her, so Xie Dongyao is very excited and talks endlessly.

According to the truth, Hua Sheng broke Xie Dongyao's most fierce hour, the bad luck should be weakened, after all, escaped the disaster.

But Hua Sheng carefully observed Xie Dongyao's facial features, and was surprised to find that the black air between her eyebrows not only did not weaken, but intensified, the more they gathered.

This strange phenomenon has never been seen by Hua Sheng, but she remembers that in ancient books, once a person is contaminated with bad luck, it will be unlucky, ranging from blood injury to death, and death from bad life. If there is no end, if you gather above your head, then... this person is not only about to die, but after death, there is no chance to reincarnate again. To put it bluntly, her soul will be imprisoned for a lifetime. Such a little girl is What changed her fate?

Hua Sheng's face became more and more ugly, and Jiang Liu followed with anxiety, but he couldn't help. These strange gossips, he didn't understand at all.

Until Xie Dongyao was a little hot and rolled up his cuffs, Hua Sheng's eyes suddenly brightened.

Xie Dongyao has a strange tattoo on his right arm, which is stabbed with cinnabar and a strange mask pattern. It is similar to the face change of Sichuan opera, but it is even more weird than the face change. It is a bit gruesome.

Of course, this tattoo cannot be seen by Jiang Liu. Hua Sheng believes that Xie Dongyao cannot see it himself.

Hua Sheng grabbed Xie Dongyao's right hand indifferently and took a chance to observe it carefully.

"Sister fairy, what's wrong?"

"Your skin is good, what brand of shower gel do you use?" Hua Sheng asked deliberately.

"Ah, this one is imported from France. Isn't it fragrant? I will send you the link back."

"Okay." Hua Sheng let go of her hand, and she saw clearly that it was a blood curse.

Xie Dongyao was cursed? Hua Sheng was shocked. After all, there were not many people who used blood curses in this era.

Moreover, the blood curse is an extremely vicious way of cursing. The cursed person will die in a dead month, corpse on the street, and... after death, the soul will be trapped in a gray area, that is, a free from the underworld and Abi In the middle of hell, eternal life and immortality shall not be transcendent. She really couldn't imagine how could Xie Dongyao offend such a powerful enemy at such a young age?

"Dongyao, I'm a little tired. Let's take you home first."

"No need, I can do it myself."

"No, we will send you."

In the end, at the strong request of Hua Sheng, their driver drove Xie Dongyao back to Xie's old house.

On the way back to the tenth spring breeze, Hua Sheng didn't say a word, and Jiang Liu held her hand. "Isn't Xie Dongyao difficult to do?"

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