Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3686: : Impatient

"Because the last time I missed the time, the village became like this. I don't know what magic she used to **** away the moisture from the surrounding land, making our family a target of public criticism!"

"When you came in, these servants had already seen you, this will probably also go back to report the letter, if you really don't care, you can't run away..."

As Mother Song was talking, she suddenly changed her tone, her eyes were leaning on them, and if they really didn't care about it today, she wouldn't be able to go out.

Did those people leave just now to report the letter?

Thinking of this, Jiang Xinrui's expression is a bit unpleasant. After all, no one likes to be threatened. Besides, you brought your purpose in the beginning? You begged... you didn't beg that way.

Jiang Xinrui was even thinking, what kind of work does the Feng Family take? Or the world is too speechless.

They didn't have much to say yet, they all came up with intimidation and temptation.

"According to you, I don’t care anymore? You have thought that if you threaten me, it makes me unhappy. When I go to save your son, I can't do so much. You can’t tell anyway, your son. Something unexpected happened, I can say that it is the river god's problem in your mouth..."

"Why bother, we really want to help..."

Jiang Xinrui's tone was cold, she completely lost her sigh when she saw Song Mu, and at the same time strengthened her principles in her heart. This is human nature, and she is the most correct choice regardless of her business.

When Jiang Xinrui finished saying this, Song Mu's expression instantly changed, and she knelt down directly to Jiang Xinrui.

"You can't do this. You belong to the Feng family. Your family has been doing this for so many years. The most important thing is that you can't do this..."

"Please save my son, I, I didn't mean that, I was really forced to do nothing, those people are at home every day, and they said that their master told them to come and serve my mother-in-law, or just look at me every day, I can’t help it. I’m just such a son. His father walks away. My son is married to the river god. What will happen to me? How can I live..."

Mother Song also didn't expect the Feng family to pay attention to fame, so she really wanted to ignore it. She also thought that this would allow the Feng family to do their best. After all, if you know that the other party is that thing...what if you are afraid of running away?

Before this, Song Mu had already inquired, Feng Family is the most reliable, such a person, the most concerned about face...

"Where is your son now? Since those servants were sent by the River God, how could they still threaten the people in the village?"

"Stop talking nonsense with me, I don't want to listen, I'm impatient, moral kidnapping is useless to me, I care about this because I promised people, but if you play tricks, don't blame me! I don't care what to save It's famous."

Jiang Xinrui turned and avoided when Song Mu knelt towards her, not wanting to take her knees.

If it weren't for her mother's help, Jiang Xinrui would really stop doing it. There were so many people she had met, she had a long experience, and the weak sympathy she had originally had was not mixed up.

As for what Song's mother said about the river god... Jiang Xinrui was skeptical. The message from her mother was that Aunt Feng Xi had checked it out, and she was a little demon. How could she be a god? Eighty percent is that fellow self-styled, deceiving ignorant people.

But it doesn't matter, Jiang Xinrui doesn't care, she just wants to end early and leave earlier.

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