Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3696: : A sense of killing

"Wanfeng, how fast can you become the original body and run with the phoenix? Jiuhe River God's subordinates are good at water warfare. Although they can also fly, they are definitely not as fast as yours. If you look at the situation for a while No, you don't care about me, take Chi Feng and go first, I have my way to get out."

"Chi Feng will admit the truth now, otherwise it will be useless for him to try."

Looking at the appearance of Jiuhe River God’s subordinate female generals, Jiang Xinrui thought for a while and whispered to Wanfeng’s side, avoiding Chifeng, and worried that this silly boy would admit to death and fail to communicate with each other. It is really stupid for the female hero of the water war to fight the water war.

Since it doesn’t make sense with Chi Feng, then she can only wait for Chi Feng to hit the south wall. Jiang Xinrui never thinks that there is any problem with running away. The most important thing is to preserve her strength and maximize the benefits. She has never lived in vain. reputation.

And when Jiang Xinrui finished saying this, Wanfeng was a little surprised. For a while, Wanfeng couldn't see what Jiang Xinrui was thinking.

Do you really care about Chifeng's safety, or a choice that doesn't care about it?

Is everything in disguise? You must know that Wanfeng had already thought of this before Jiang Xinrui had said this. Otherwise, how could she let Chifeng go and really take risks? How is this possible.

Chi Feng's body can't be hurt, it's not that Wanfeng has any scruples about the Three Realms and Six Ways, but the price is to sacrifice her younger brother, which is definitely not acceptable.

But now her stupid brother doesn’t know what’s going on. He can’t persuade him at all, and he has to go if he says anything. Plus, because they’re watching from the opposite side, Wanfeng doesn’t want to quarrel suddenly at this time, only temporarily. Nodding, in order to wait for the necessary moment, and run away with Chifeng.

Wanfeng wouldn’t be so stupid to wait here. Of course, she can only take Chifeng with one, but she can’t take two. In case Chifeng refuses to go when she retreats, then she needs great effort. I don't even care about Jiang Xinrui. Besides, Jiang Xinrui's strong background, who doesn't know?

So Wanfeng didn't worry about her at all, plus she didn't worry about it, but she didn't expect that Jiang Xinrui would suddenly say to herself, if there is an accident, take Chifeng and leave first, don't worry about her?

In this case...that would be great, but Jiang Xinrui said it herself, and Wanfeng felt even less stressed.

So when Jiang Xinrui said this, Wanfeng was only briefly surprised, and then nodded without talking nonsense, and there was no time for talking nonsense at the critical moment.

Their main attention now is the female player who keeps coming towards them.

The footsteps of the visitor are light, and every step is on the river, but the magic is that no matter how long she stands and walks a few steps, the hem of the big red skirt on her body is not wet at all, and her movements are capable. People have a completely different sense of heroism and killing.

This is what Wanfeng has always been looking forward to.

But Wanfeng knew that she might not have this chance in her life...

Some opportunities, some armors, and some dreams, she has no chance.

Thinking of this, Wan Feng's eyes were gloomy, she adjusted her state quickly, and watched the female general who came by warily.

"General, the three of us are entrusted by the Song family's mother and son. We come here to ask whether the army can be replaced by another person? Return Song Lianyu's soul. Song Lianyu is just an ordinary person. Without that soul, he will no longer be a complete one. People, their mother and child are very pitiful... Besides, they are just ordinary people, how can they match you?"

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