Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3707: :Pour a cool heart

Chi Feng no longer has the strength to argue with Wanfeng, and turns to look at Jiang Xinrui. At this moment, Jiang Xinrui has no chance to make some changes, which means that Jiang Xinrui has been passively chased and beaten, but it is not. Blame Jiang Xinrui, she really doesn't know how to fight in water, if it's anything else, she can do it anyway.

But now, Jiang Xinrui can't find the other party's flaws at all. No matter where she goes, she can be caught up by the water column, and then hit again. Jiang Xinrui can only use spiritual power to protect herself. If she can't resist, then she will Will be mashed by water.

Jiang Xinrui could hear what Wanfeng and Chi Feng said, and wanted to tell them to go first, but she couldn't say it anymore. Jiang Xinrui didn't know why, so she couldn't make it clear.

It depends on how Chifeng chooses?

Jiang Xinrui thought so, but more of it was uncomfortable. Jiang Xinrui couldn't explain the source of the uncomfort as well, and could only return all the grievances to Jing Mi, who kept chasing and killing her with a fan.

Jiang Xinrui has been looking for opportunities, and one hit must be hit. As long as she can hit Jing Mi, Jiang Xinrui believes that she will definitely hurt Jing Mi. After all, Jiang Xinrui's spiritual cultivation is very strong, but there is no chance to show it at this moment.

She is not good at water warfare, but it does not mean that she is not good at fighting.

It's just that Jiang Xinrui underestimated Jing Mi. She has fought in water battles for thousands of years. Will she look at the three villains?

"General! I am willing to go to your sedan chair, please stop..."

Just as Jing Mi Jieyin was planning to give Jiang Xinrui a big deal again, Chifeng's shout suddenly came from behind. The voice was decisive, but it was very calm and serious, and it didn't seem to be talking about happy events at all.

Jing Mi heard Chi Feng's sudden change of mind and frowned slightly. The big guy who had prepared Jiang Xinrui didn't let go, but her hands seemed to be inadvertent. When she took back the water column, she took it back directly on Jiang Xinrui's head.

The water column was pumped with strength, but there was also weight. In addition to the huge volume of the river, Jiang Xinrui was directly poured out to cool down. Jing Mi trembles slightly when she sees this. It is proud, and it is also a bit relaxed to relieve her breath. Although very concealed, Wanfeng had been staring at Jing Mi. She wanted to see if the hatred in Jing Mi's eyes was for Jiang Xinrui, so she naturally did not miss this action.

Seeing this, Wanfeng was sure. Jing Mi was definitely not easy with Jiang Xinrui, but it was strange. Jiang Xinrui had been in Jiangcheng before and hadn't gone out much. Although Jingmi could leave with water, she didn't know that they had it before. What holiday...

As for Jiang Xinrui being poured out and clenching her hands tightly, when she was as embarrassed as she is today, the look in Xiang Jing Mi's eyes was also unkind. Their Liangzi today is considered to have been formed.

In fact, it was not that Jiang Xinrui didn't hide, but because of Chi Feng's shout, Jiang Xinrui was a little distracted, and Jing Mi also stopped because of that shout, but Jiang Xinrui didn't expect Jing Mi to come like this?

Jing Mi must be deliberate! Jiang Xinrui didn't feel ashamed of being chased and killed, but he was so blatant after being calculated, and Jiang Xinrui was really angry.

Who has no temper, because of this matter, Jiang Xinrui and Jing Mi will not deal with it for many years to come. You must know that Jiang Xinrui is actually good-tempered, because Jiang Xinrui often does not care, it is difficult to touch Jiang Xinrui's heartstrings. , But Jing Mi is different. Jiang Xinrui was deeply impressed when she first met.

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