Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3713: : Arguing on the shore

As for this blue scale, Chifeng wouldn't keep it when he left this place, so it would be thrown away.

On the other side, the river bank.

"Chi Feng followed that General Jing Mi into the sedan chair to save you. You can't deny it? I'm not accusing you. I'll go to the heaven to find someone now. As for you to watch, take a while, who knows What will Chi Feng meet..."

Wanfeng glanced at Jiang Xinrui. Because Chifeng was not there, Wanfeng didn't hide her emotions. Moreover, this kind of thing, at this time, if she still hides it, Wanfeng thinks that would be too fake.

Her younger brother was taken away for saving Jiang Xinrui. Her sister is helpless. Normal thinking will definitely be angry. Besides, Wanfeng is very angry at this time. If it weren't for Jiang Xinrui, they wouldn't have come to this place at all, Chifeng I won't be touched anymore, and I have to take care of the mother and child.

Besides, it is also the most important thing. Who would have thought that General Jing Mi had hatred for Jiang Xinrui.

She and Chi Feng are just targets. The one General Jing Mi really wants to deal with is Jiang Xinrui, and Wan Feng doesn't understand. Does Jiang Xinrui have any physique? Or what's the matter, there are people who have enemies with her everywhere?

In fact, Wanfeng could see it herself. Jiang Xinrui might not even understand these enemies, why? Just like the one who calculated her, he hasn't found it yet, and has established a new one.

Wanfeng couldn't help thinking, was it because of Jiang Xinrui's relationship that he was calculated twice in a row? Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence? Said to be under the banner of the Feng Family, but this is also a coincidence? Wanfeng didn't believe that before that, Feng's family had such a time to recite.

"Sister Wanfeng is really anxious? I just don’t know if Chifeng would go with General Jingmi if she was anxious just now, and I don’t understand that Sister Wanfeng meant Chifeng to save Me, but how do I look at Chi Feng and Sister Wanfeng together, seem to be looking forward to General Jing Mi’s choice? Did I read it wrong? Or is it that General Jing Mi is chasing me, you are unscathed, and I am the one who killed me? of?"

"You can go to whomever you want. You don't need to tell me. I won't be involved in your sister and brother's affairs. Maybe I really participated, but it became nosy..."

Jiang Xinrui looked at Wanfeng with an unkind expression, and her tone was cold.

Jiang Xinrui has seen Wanfeng's attitude towards her both overtly and secretly these days. It's just that Jiang Xinrui should not be able to see the friendship over the years and Chifeng is in the middle, as long as it doesn't affect her.

It’s just that Jiang Xinrui has been calculated at this time, and she feels uncomfortable. Wanfeng said these words cynicly at this time. Jiang Xinrui is a little annoyed, and her tone is naturally not much better. There are some things that Chi Feng cannot see. Can't she see it yet?

"Jiang Xinrui, what do you mean? My brother is now being taken away by General Jing Mi. According to you, he will blame me? If it was not like that just now, you would die and we can't get out. Now Your identity, and our identity, are useless, can’t you tell? Why are you so relentless as Chi Feng? When do you do what kind of things, don’t it depend on the situation at the time? Just follow yours Status, I advise you not to go out to practice, you don’t know who you have offended..."

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