Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3717: : The word double standard

It’s just that Chi Feng didn’t expect that sometimes, there are things that I really can’t stand to talk about...

But at this time, Chi Feng, no matter what Jing Mi said, she had to bear it and accept it, and then thanked Jing Mi.

However, Jing Mi did not answer this time, turned her head to look at Jiang Xinrui, and then walked into the sedan chair and disappeared into the river. However, Jing Mi's eyes were full of emotions and could only be replaced by complexity.

"I'm okay, I said General Jing Mi is not what we thought. Song Lianyu gave us all of his soul. She just wanted to see how far I could be. There are many people around General Jing Mi, and I'm not the one behind me. , Besides, she has scruples about how many things we are, and how we are also related..."

Chi Feng looked at Jiang Xinrui and Wanfeng, replied pretentiously, and then showed the white light held in his palm to Jiang Xinrui and Wanfeng.

For some reason, Chi Feng didn’t say all of Jing Mi’s words, just like a fight, and she was a little bit angry in her heart. If Jiang Xinrui was not ready to leave his meaning, Chi Feng would not be like that. , It’s just that Chi Feng is very uneasy now. He wants to know what Jiang Xinrui thinks. Is it because he is an important friend and can abandon it at any time?

Isn't a friend closer than a lover? After all these years of getting along, no one has gotten along with her so much except herself...

"Really? Are you sure that is General Jing Mi? She is so easy to talk about? Did you kill us just now?"

"Are you really okay? Are you in a normal mood? And what did you and General Jing Mi whispered in a low voice just now? As if we couldn't let us know..."

Wan Feng thought that Jing Mi would not hurt Chi Feng, but she didn't expect to let go so happily. The time to really leave is more than ten minutes. Wan Feng thought that Chi Feng would not be able to find it easily. It would take some time to find someone, but who would have thought that Jing Mi would just send it back?

She didn't even finish talking with Jiang Xinrui, let alone thinking about finding someone.

So looking at Chi Feng coming back so quickly and looking normal, Wanfeng was really surprised, but no matter what, she was relieved to see her younger brother come back.

Although some of Wanfeng's goals were unsuccessful, it didn't matter, she could wait for a long time, not this time, and the next time.

Besides, this time I can’t say that it was completely unrewarded. Chi Feng’s expression at the moment he just appeared did not seem to have heard nothing, because there were no people around. When Wanfeng was talking with Jiang Xinrui, her voice was not too small. Shang also held back his heart for a long time, and had no scruples when speaking.

In this way, Wanfeng knew that Chifeng must have heard something, but she didn't know exactly what she had heard.

Especially when both she and Jiang Xinrui were worried about Chi Feng, but Chi Feng turned his head and lowered his eyebrows pleasingly and General Jing Mi didn't know what they were muttering. They seemed to have deliberately lowered their voices, and Wan Feng really didn't hear them at all.

Presumably Jiang Xinrui is the same.

Indeed, Jiang Xinrui did not hear anything, but she did not ask, because the other party obviously lowered her voice on purpose. She would not ask. What Chi Feng didn’t want to say was normal. After all, she also had things that weren’t the right time to say. .

It’s just that Jiang Xinrui understands in her heart that when it does happen, she still has some unspeakable feelings in her heart. It turns out that the word double label applies to everyone, including her.

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