Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3720: : Call you big brother

Mother Song looked at her son's unpromising appearance, and her teeth were tickled with hatred. How could this be her college student's son? Fortunately, she had praised him before. This is the true appearance of a beautiful girl!

Sure enough, no matter how old a man is, all his preferences are the same.

While photographing Song Lianyu, Mother Song explained to him what happened to these girls, especially those few words of Chi Feng. Mother Song felt that her son must not be messed up. This is a nickname. It's something.

"Well, I don’t remember. Mom made you worry, and thank you... By the way, where is the village now? Is it back to normal? If not, I’m still a sinner. Even if I recover, I’m either. How are they, I have to be worthy of my conscience."

Listening to his mother's words, Song Lianyu looked unacceptable. He really didn't know that a big man was still married?

The key is still voluntary. After saying those words, Song Lianyu is really shameless, especially when he knows that the three girls in front of him are so powerful, they seem to be not as old as him, and they still understand these metaphysics.

"The first point, I want to correct it for a long time, but the previous meeting didn't have time to say, I have short hair, and I am not wearing women's clothing, so I am a man!"

"Second, I really want to thank you for letting your mother recognize someone, and she promised us before."

"Thirdly, things in the village will return to normal. When General Jing Mi left for the last time, she had already taken control of this side, and your village would naturally be normal."

"There is also a fourth. General Jing Mi also said that the things inside are no longer needed, and the marriage is invalidated, she will not take it back, and you don't have to return it."

Chi Feng's eyebrows were slightly irritable, and as long as it was also because of Jiang Xinrui's situation, this made Chi Feng's patience very small, but he did not forget what he was doing.

If Song Lianyu is not brought back to normal in front of Song's mother, Song mother may not be really convinced, and he won't be careful. Chi Feng really doesn't have that patience.

Especially when Song Mu and Song Lianyu have been treating themselves as girls, Chi Feng is even more annoying.

If it weren't for this face, Chi Feng knew that he would be less troublesome. When he remembered what Jiang Xinrui said to him last time, Chi Feng was still very wronged.

It’s not what he wants to grow up like this, but he can’t help it...

"Huh? Boys? All boys?"

Mother Song's eyes were surprised, unbelievable.

"I'm sorry, I don't know, it's dark, the vision in the room is not good, I read it wrong, I'm sorry, I will call you brother in the future! You can call me even brother, in the field you are not good at, I can do Arrived, please find me!"

Song Lianyu is also the same, but he is not as confused as his mother. People are willing to help. It is already very good. Although he hasn't seen it before, it's just that it sounds very powerful, and her mother found it. In addition, his memory of these two days is indeed very vague.

After looking at the changes in his family, Song Lianyu was actually very stunned, and he didn't dare to say that he didn't believe it. This thing is awe-inspiring, and he will only wait for the next opportunity to take a good look, so he said that he could solve it in the future. He can.

Especially after watching the best-looking "girl" say the one, two, three, or four o'clock, Song Lianyu instantly became sober, that was blown...

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