Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3726: : Escape in the early morning

Chi Feng sat in the living room, looking at Jiang Xinrui's nervous expression, got up and asked.

And there is Wanfeng beside Chi Feng, and the look in Jiang Xinrui's eyes is also a little surprised.

Because it’s time, it’s almost lunch, everyone is up, only Jiang Xinrui hasn’t been awake. If Wanfeng didn’t find something wrong, she would even wonder if something came to control Jiang Xinrui. ?

Outside, in other people's homes, she can sleep so peacefully? Wanfeng remembers that this person is still suffering from insomnia?

"What's wrong? Was robbed? What about Song Lianyu's mother and son?"

"Why do I sleep for so long? Why don't you wake me up?"

Jiang Xinrui looked at the surrounding environment, and it was really like being stripped of skin. Except for the windows and doors, there were only two chairs left in the living room. There was nothing else, even the lantern on the door was gone, and then she glanced at her. Watch, confirm the time again, it's almost noon, why did I sleep for so long?

And the Song family, if she was robbed, why wouldn't she feel at all?

Last night Jiang Xinrui couldn't fall asleep, thinking wildly. When she really fell asleep, it was already this time when she opened her eyes. Today Jiang Xinrui has to identify Ling Ji.

In fact, at the moment when she got up, she didn't find Chi Feng and Wanfeng. Jiang Xinrui was a little flustered, thinking that it was the female general Jing Mi who had repented and brought Chi Feng back...

That's why Jiang Xinrui was a little flustered, but she was also confused. After waking up for a while, Jiang Xinrui realized that she was too tired recently, and this meeting has been dealt with. Moreover, she has not rested well. After insomnia last night, she felt sleepy. She didn't know when she fell asleep, but in the end she was well rested.

As for Ling Ji's matter, Jiang Xinrui didn't really take it too seriously.

"Didn't you see a lot of things missing around you? Song Lianyu said that you felt humiliated, but you didn't wake up, and you went to the river with his mother. They said it was a refund, and only the tables, chairs and benches in your house were left."

"No, people are back, we can prepare to leave... But let me say first, when you wait for you to wake up, I inquired about the Ling family in the name of Feng Shui, thinking about making an appointment with their Patriarch, We'd better not run away, guess what? Patriarch of the Ling family, left in the early morning, saying that it was the annual wandering of the Ling family and disappeared."

"So what do we do? You said that Ling Ji wasn't intentional, did you? Knowing that you were looking for him, I ran away with a guilty conscience? But I really don't know what to say about him, unless he really did not do it, otherwise he Where can I go?"

Wanfeng looked at Erlang sitting on the window sill, and her tone was incomprehensible. There was basically nothing in the Song family. Wanfeng was still a little uncomfortable sitting there, but in this way, Wanfeng could also see that the Song family was It's really tight.

And Song Lianyu came back with his mother while Wanfeng was talking, and his tall figure was not upright anymore. After tossing these two moments, he was exhausted and collapsed. When he entered the door, he just heard Wanfeng say that Jiang Xinrui’s room was missing. Waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, don't worry, let's talk about it another day, let's work on the three things first..."

Song Lianyu was really exhausted, looked around where there was no place to sit, and squatted directly on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Rui'er, what do you think? Otherwise, I will send someone out to look for it first. He can hide from the first day of the junior high school, but can't hide from the fifteenth..."

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