Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3729: : Suspect

"Suddenly uncomfortable? You didn't really sleep too much, did you? Or was it because of some physical discomfort, Ruier, you really can sleep from last night to this morning. The key is such a big movement, Chi Feng and I I was awakened as soon as it was dark."

"Even if Song Lianyu and her son were dismantled from the east to the west, even if they were careful, we are not ordinary people. We are still outside. We are still vigilant. We can't sleep well. We can detect a little movement. Then I spent almost the same time before and after Chi Feng. I got up, but after waiting for a long time, I didn't see you..."

When Wanfeng heard Jiang Xinrui's words, she looked at Jiang Xinrui with a puzzled look.

At this moment, Jiang Xinrui's condition is indeed very bad. How can I say it is very sudden, there is no sign, and his face becomes worse and worse as he walks. If there is something in the middle, it can be said to be clear. , But in fact, the three of them were not together except last night. They were almost together at the other time, and they were all in the time to go to the toilet.

It’s just that no one noticed any changes in Jiang Xinrui, what happened to him, and now Jiang Xinrui seems exhausted from a battle with someone...

It looks weird.

Especially Wanfeng, looking at Jiang Xinrui like this, she felt a little flustered inexplicably. For a long time, Wanfeng thought that she knew Jiang Xinrui and wanted to add some blockage to her. It was also very easy, but at this moment, Wanfeng suddenly I don't understand Jiang Xinrui anymore, and tell her instinct that Jiang Xinrui still has many secrets that she hasn't discovered.

And these secrets will definitely affect her.

Women's intuition is so terrible.

"Rui'er, what's wrong with you? Auntie should be at home this time, let her show you..."

Chi Feng looked at Jiang Xinrui's expression, a little anxious, but also flustered not knowing what to do.

Jiang Xinrui’s condition at the moment really shows no signs, especially suddenly, just like this, frowning, her expression seems a bit painful, her complexion is still a bit pale, and the strangest thing is that the whole person’s state is also changing, as if something has been affected. , For example, fighting...Looking very tired.

If it weren’t for the change in appearance that attracted Chi Feng’s attention, Jiang Xinrui would just feel uncomfortable in her heart, Chi Feng would really not find out. Moreover, from yesterday to now, she didn’t really fight anyone, then Jiang Xinrui would not. There is a possibility of injury, but Jiang Xinrui feels uncomfortable, but she can't do it, especially the state is getting worse and worse.

"Maybe I didn't rest well."

Jiang Xinrui clutched her heart and squeezed her right hand, as if to take this heart out.

At the same time, there are countless possibilities in her mind that can make her heart so uncomfortable for no reason. There is only one person she knows, and that is Ji Li!

The contractual relationship between them did not terminate with his possession of the real body.

It's just that she separated from Ji Li after she broke up last time, and even before, she burned the book, and she didn't have any heartache!

So this time Jiang Xinrui didn’t think Ji Li did it, unless he was crazy. Jiang Xinrui clearly remembered how much Ji Li wished he could become his apprentice. When he left, his eyes didn’t seem like he could give up. It looked like Jiang Xinrui could see it very clearly. In that case, if Ji Li dares to use this threat at this time, doesn't it mean that she wants her to hate him more?

Apprenticeship is definitely impossible.

It's just not because of him, what happened to her?

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