Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3746: : The devil is gone

"I didn't leave a word with you about where he is going? What did he do? No disclosure at all? How do I think you two have something to say today?"

"Is there something hidden from us? Or did the three of you meet something? If so, don't you plan to tell us? Maybe there will be some clues. When your third uncle goes out to play, every time I can't say anything, after all, the Three Realms and Six Paths are so big, where can he go?"

When Brahma said this, the closed hands in his sleeves slowly opened, and he held a cup of tea again, put it in his mouth, and tasted it slowly with a leisurely expression.

As in the initial situation, it was like a background board, sitting next to Luo Yao, opposite his children, Chi Feng and Wan Feng.

Brahma's attitude is very plain, even if he has already summoned the beacon together, and the contact has failed, Brahma still doesn't change his face, no one knows what happened to him, let alone try to pry into Brahma's mind.

His thoughts are very hidden. When asking Chi Feng and Wanfeng, Brahma’s eyes were always looking at the two children intentionally or unintentionally. In fact, Fengying didn’t directly say anything about it, but instead. Deliberately asked Chifeng and Wanfeng if they had any contact with Fengying.

Brahma did not worry about the Fengying who could not be contacted. This kind of thing actually happened to Chifeng. When Wanfeng said that there was no contact, Brahma was prepared, and he would not be able to contact Fengying, but he could not be contacted. It doesn't matter, Fengying often does this, so people can't get in touch.

Even if the cultivation level is not high now, Brahma doesn't worry about him. According to Fengying's cleverness, the worst is to be injured a little, and it will definitely be fatal.

It's just that the two children now care about Brahma the most.

The words of the two of them had different meanings and hidden meanings. Brahma felt that the two children had something to hide from themselves.

In fact, it is normal for children to have their own secrets. After all, both children have grown up in a blink of an eye.

But this time, Brahma felt that the two children were concealing it, perhaps different from what he thought.

When Brahma finished speaking, no matter whether it was Chifeng or Wanfeng, there was no answer this time. Chifeng was because of a very simple reason, that is, Wanfeng is still there, and he can’t say yet, and Wanfeng is himself. I don't know what happened, a lot of her feelings are like following the feelings.

I can't tell what's going on in my heart, and many things are different from what I think.

Hearing her father's question at this moment, Wanfeng felt a little confused. She couldn't remember what happened in the last second. Why did she feel the atmosphere in the palace was so weird?

Wanfeng was even thinking that she had spoken just now? Why do you feel something in your head? She should have said it, but Wanfeng doesn't understand what she thinks...

Luo Yao looked at his two children and his husband. Did they suddenly feel that they were playing dumb riddles? Suddenly didn't speak...

The atmosphere of the demon world suddenly became solemn and silent.

It can’t be said that it was silence. In fact, there was still communication, but the last sentence did not follow. The family of four became silent because of this. In the end, Luo Yao said, let Chi Feng and Wanfeng go back to the room first. rest.

After all, the mother was more careful, Luo Yao felt the tiredness in the eyes of the two children, and even Chi Feng's hesitation stopped...

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