Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3751: : Controlling worms

After such absorption, Jade Qilin’s body will suddenly dissipate most of the cultivation base, which is absorbed by the worms, and the worms are restricted by Wanfeng’s own barrier and cannot move. If the supply of Jade Qilin is cut off, it will be equivalent to her. All previous efforts have been discarded, and the worms in Wanfeng's body will die!

Not only that, but Yu Qilin can’t control Wanfeng as he wants, feel Wanfeng’s thoughts, and drive her to do what Yu Qilin wants to do. But now because of the enchantment made by Luo Yao and Brahma, it’s a misunderstanding. The worms are controlled inside Wanfeng's body, unable to stand up and cause chaos.

"Jade Qilin, what are you doing? I didn’t say that it was only sometimes that it could change Wanfeng’s mind, but it didn’t hurt her life? But now how come you and Wanfeng become one? This is totally different from what you said at the beginning. Same! Besides, even if you backlash, how could your body be so weak? Your reaction is a little bigger, so what did you do?"

"You still have something to hide from me? I'm already trapped in this place by you. What are you worried about? I can't get out, and I can't tell other people..."

"Also, what did you mean by waiting? What are you waiting for?"

Nangong Liuyue looked at Jade Kylin’s reaction, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong. The result was different from the previous backlash. It seemed to have been severely injured. Nangong Liuyue didn’t notice it at first, and thought it was just the same backlash as usual. There will be a few days of pain that is unbearable every month. That is the attack period of Gu worms, just like the side effects of taking medicine.

But this time the Jade Qilin didn't just vomit blood, he couldn't even stand up. Nangong Liuyue was in a trance, and only then found out.

It’s just that Nangong Liuyue didn’t expect that Yu Qilin was still hiding from him at this time...

"I didn't hide anything from you. I don't even have a person to talk to. You are the only one here to stay with me. Of course I won't hide you, but I haven't had time to tell you that I upgraded the female worm in my body. , Even the worms in Wanfeng’s body are also upgraded. Together with the mother worm, I can better control Wanfeng and the worms, and my waiting is to let Wanfeng and the worms merge. For one, the worm is secretly overdrawing Wanfeng’s body and drawing all her health. Slowly, Wanfeng will become a body, a puppet without a soul, and the mother worm is the mastermind that controls her. Now, This mastermind became me."

"At that time, Chi Feng and I became the closest people. I will always be by his side, and he will not find something wrong, because Wanfeng will die a little bit, and I will replace her little by little. I I have already experimented, I can feel everything she sees, but now the time is very short, and I can still control her to speak, the time is as short, Nangong, you don’t know, I have almost forgotten how it feels to be loved by the elders, No, I should say how it feels to be loved by my mother..."

"I control Wanfeng's body. I feel it. Although it's short-lived, I'm very satisfied. I can't control her all the time. But it's just a matter of time. When I can completely control Wanfeng, like I said Unknowingly, I can solve all this, then I can split again and make a more powerful insect, use Wanfeng's hand to put it on Jiang Xinrui's body, so that I have it all!"

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