Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3758: : Other ways

In fact, after Fengying vomited blood, the internal organs were all hurting. Jiang Xinrui really almost killed him this time, but Fengying's mentality was really good and fast. It was already very painful, and she was still insisting on comforting Jiang Xinrui. I feel that the child's state is a little bit wrong, but Fengying really has no strength to trachea now.

It was a little bit, just cultivated, but Jiang Xinrui let go.

And Fengying is right in one sentence, that is, he really can’t accept help now, he can only say that he is too weak, Brahma’s ability is too strong, for him now, he can’t digest it at all, it can only be New injuries add old ones.

So he can only cultivate slowly, and he is also very difficult to move now, so he is just right here, healing on the spot, originally thinking that this place is very hidden, just right.

Of course, there is a faster and more concise method, but Fengying doesn't want to use it.

And he did not expect that the place where he was hiding was found by Jiang Xinrui. No matter why Jiang Xinrui appeared here at this time, Fengying felt that this place was not safe anymore, at least not as safe as he thought, and now it is not easy to move, Fengying I feel too difficult.

Thinking of this, Fengying couldn't help but want to curse Zhanyue. It was not because of him that he had abolished his cultivation base. This is really a real brother, a sin...

"Wait a minute, Chi Feng has been with you all the time, surely he won't be too far apart, so he's also nearby, right? Then I really can't cultivate quietly, but tell him, don't move me..."

Fengying took a breath, and suddenly remembered his hard-hearted nephew. He would definitely not be separated from Jiang Xinrui. In this case, he would be nearby.

In fact, Fengying was not afraid of being laughed at, but didn't want them to worry about it, and the reason for his injury was really embarrassing. Fengying really did not expect that those little things have such powerful power...

But this also shows a problem, he went to the wrong place...

"I'm not with Chifeng, we are just partners. We all have our own affairs and our own time. He and Wanfeng have returned to the devil world. If he followed me out to find you, then I wouldn't have been so anxious just now. , I came out by myself... I wanted to try my luck, but I didn’t expect to find you. It led me to it. I dripped my blood on it. I don’t know if this will give you. What did you bring... I'm sorry, I..."

"So why the **** are you injured, and what can I do for you? Can't you just let me look at it and can't do anything? I don't believe that your injury can be healed only by keeping it like this. You can't feel it. Is the magic of the body almost disappearing and clean? When it disappears, you will die here, don’t you understand? Don’t be kidding me, don’t force me to comfort me, I’m not afraid, I’m just worried about your current situation , I am not as weak as you think..."

Jiang Xinrui held the sign tightly and looked at the look of Fengying, secretly anxious. In fact, it was not only in her heart, she was anxious as a whole. Just imagine that she is in front of a person who is different to herself, you know very well. That kind of feeling, and there are only you two here, and he is hurting to death. How can he not worry or worry?

As for the person who worries you, but he is not in a hurry, he is about to die, why can he joke about being laughed at? Jiang Xinrui was really going to explode on the spot when it was obviously fooling her.

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