Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 376: : Preparing for the funeral

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The mad old man raised his hand and tried to hit the river, but was stopped by the wind. "Master, does this matter?"

"Of course there are. They are husband and wife. I thought they already... Hey, after the men and women meet, the other person's body has blood from each other, so feeding the killing lamp with his blood seems to be in vain now."

"Old man, is there any other way?"

Jiang Liu looked flustered. Where did he think that this matter was also related to whether he and Huasheng shared the same room?

"We did everything we should do. The wizard after the blood curse was not badly hurt by us, the enchantment was broken, but... there is no smell of your wife in your blood, so what will this matter develop into? , I don’t know, I can only say that everything is life."

"The wind, let's go."

"Master, is there really no way?" Although Feng Xi had only one side with Hua Sheng, she just didn't want her to die.

When she got the news of Huasheng's accident, she knew it must be extraordinary.

And the first time they met that day, they saw it as before, why? The reason is that Feng Xi was born in a family of Feng Shui, and Hua Sheng is proficient in Qimen Dunjia.

"No way, prepare the girl for the funeral."

In a word, the crazy old man once again drove the river into the eighteenth layer of hell, he was cold...

The mad old man was going out with the wind and anger, but he left the door and left a sentence, "There is a Jing'an Temple fifty kilometers north, where the bodhisattva is said to be very effective. You may wish to give out your sincerity and ask for a look. Whether it can be a fairy, of course, this is what I said casually, there is no basis, if it is useless, don't scold me."

After that, the old man disappeared and the wind went away.

Jiang Liu did it alone for an hour alone, and it was uncomfortable to feel like she couldn't cry.

Eventually, he stood up tiredly and walked to the bed.

Lean down and kiss Hua Sheng's forehead...

"A Sheng, don't sleep, I really miss you, please, come back, please."

At this moment, Hua Sheng had already given up survival in the dream, but somehow, the enclave was broken.

She was overjoyed and ran back home all the way, but... she couldn't get into her body.

Not knowing what happened in the middle, she could only stand on the head of her body and watch all this quietly.

And no one can see her, and no one can hear her. She is air to the river.

But for Jiangliu, she was alive in front of her...

When Hua Sheng came back, he just saw Jiang Liu lightly kissing her on the bed, and those words.

"Jiang Liu, I'm back, I'm back..." Hua Sheng shouted desperately.

But the river didn't hear it at all.

He stood beside Hua Sheng, weeping silently... In his life, he never cried. He used to ridicule whether he had no tear glands.

Now it seems that it is not that it is not heartbreaking before, and it is said that the boy has tears and does not flick but just does not reach the heart.

Jiang Liu cried so fiercely for the first time, silently looking at the little **** the bed, the little girl who would be angry with him, would be shy with him, and would discuss qin, chess, calligraphy and painting with her.

Is it really necessary to prepare the funeral for her as the crazy man said?

"A Sheng, I have treated you sincerely and sincerely, sincerely loved you. How dare you... how dare to leave me alone... Living in the world with the pain of missing you, how can you bear it? "

Hua Sheng's soul walked to the riverside step by step, raised his hands to wipe his tears, but unfortunately... at this time, they couldn't touch at all in two time and space.

"River..." Hua Sheng's soul choked weakly.

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