Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3788: : Tracing the source

"But no matter how much you care about, there must be a limit. Don’t forget your identity. You are your sister’s younger brother and your mother’s son. How worried they are about you? We don’t want to do anything for you. To put you under pressure and let you free is just to divide the time and the situation."

"Your sister's current situation, if you can explain what's going on, we know how to solve it, and we won't talk about it now. The problem is that we don't know, and we don't know anything. If this continues, what do you want us to do? ?"

Brahma looked at Chifeng silently, his voice suppressed, as if he was worried about waking Wanfeng, but in fact Chifeng's room was still far away from Wanfeng's.

Besides, Wanfeng is now asleep, and her body is already emitting magic power. I don’t understand why Wanfeng doesn’t know it and can’t feel it. However, Luo Yao and Brahma directly used magic power to repair and suppress the body, and she fell straight into it. coma.

In other words, Wanfeng herself does not know that her body is very weak now.

And Brahma is naturally worried about his daughter. In Brahma’s heart, the daughter is actually more partial. He always feels that he feels more guilty for his daughter. At that time, he did not have enough skills. Wanfeng also knew that he was born a few days earlier, but then he followed suit. Brother, when she didn't understand anything, her fate was tied to her brother.

No one asked her if she wanted to, but there was no way.

Therefore, when Brahma feels Wanfeng’s physical condition, it can be said that his heart is stormy, but Brahma did not show in his face. Many of Brahma’s emotions are hidden in his heart. He is the elder brother, husband, and father. The burden is the greatest.

Many clear Brahma will only show when facing the closest people, only Luo Yao. It is not that brothers and children are not trusted, but Brahma does not want them to worry, but in Brahma’s heart, it is the one who accompanies him throughout his life. His partner, the others, can only be in second place.

"Father, mother, I'm sorry, I have been dragging my sister and you all these years, but my sister's body has something like this. I actually knew it. I thought she was just hiding something from me, but I didn't feel it. My sister’s physical condition is problematic because she is normal every day... I didn’t speak just now, just because I didn’t know what to say... I did care about it outside, but it’s not all because of this."

"My third uncle and I were investigating separately, just to know what happened to my sister that night. Only in this way I believe that today's problem can be solved, because apart from that day, my sister and I have never been separated. She didn't remember anything that day. Something must have happened at night. I mean, if we stay in the Demon Realm now, then this thing doesn’t seem to happen anymore, but it’s also hidden. If my sister’s condition is still getting worse, then we Just wasting time."

"Now these two choices are in front of us. Staying with you, my sister’s situation can definitely be alleviated, but it cannot be eradicated. As for whether we can eradicate it, it’s a question. We don’t know what the outcome will be if we continue to wait. Because we are facing an invisible and intangible situation, and leaving, my sister’s physical problems must have been encountered outside, and we can trace the source to the source only when we are outside..."

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