Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 386: : Burial secret

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng was silent for a while, and then he looked back at him with a smile, "Three thousand in the world, three in my love, the sun and the moon, the sun is the sunrise, the moon is the twilight, and the Qing is the twilight.

There was a trace of surprise in Jiang Liu's eyes, was this his little girl confessing to him?

"Jiang Liu, I have identified you in this life, so your request, I agree."

"Really?" Jiang Liu exulted.

In fact, he has always been very worried. He was afraid that Hua Sheng would not agree. In case he would give a divination or something in the future, he would be hurt. What should I do?

In particular, the crisis caused by Xie Dongyao has made Jiang Liu dare not recall it.

"Really, tonight happens to be the night of the 15th full moon. I will seal my divination, put away my bamboo sticks, and close my eyes. From now on, I am just an ordinary person, I am just a Chinese Sheng, just the wife of your river."

At this moment, Jiang Liu was very moved.

He hugged Hua Sheng directly and turned around for several times, making it difficult to express his inner excitement and joy.

Hua Sheng is willing to be an ordinary person for him, which is really good.

Six o'clock that night

Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu and his wife hosted a banquet for all their friends, Qin Wanyu, Wang Junxian, Gao He, Hua Zhi, Hua Lin, and Bai Hao, all of whom had good relations with them.

There was one more wind, Huasheng introduced that this was her new friend.

Everyone also greeted the enthusiasm. The wind dyed the red short hair back to black, and immediately returned from the rebellion to the pure, just like the high school students.

She didn't talk much, when she was eating, everyone asked what she answered, most of the time she just smiled quietly.

Qin Wanyu was a little curious about her, "Are you really a writer?"

"If it's fake replacement."

"But I have read your book, the writing is very sophisticated and deep, not like it was written by a girl, much less it was written by a person in his 20s."

"What do you mean, doubt my ghostwriting?" Feng Xi stared at Qin Wanyu.

He smiled while holding the wine glass, "That's not true, I'm just surprised."

"It's no surprise. There are many things that you haven't seen before. It doesn't mean you don't. You don't know much. You can only show that you have too little knowledge, too narrow eyes, and a frog at the bottom of the well."

Qin Wanyu: ...

"Hahaha, dare you say that our son Qin is a frog at the bottom of the well. Do you know what his family does? His family can run the world's largest travel agency. Qin Wanyu has visited more than 60 countries. You actually said that he is a frog at the bottom of the well?" Gao He's boy suddenly had a stomachache in his smile.

The wind glanced Gao He lightly, "Is it great to go to more than 60 countries? Has he been to Mars?"

Qin Wanyu: ...

Later, everyone found out that the wind looked pure and pleasant, but it was very savage, and I especially liked the people.

But compared with Hua Zhi's hot temper, it is not the same. If Hua Zhi is fire, the wind is ice, cold with loneliness, and stubborn with confidence.

At 11:30 in the middle of the night, Hua Sheng stood in the living room with the wind, and all of these people were drunk, and no one was spared.

"They drank my amnesia and they will forget that."

"The hospital, as well as your big sister, second sister and your parents, I have already dealt with it, erasing the memory of your coma. From now on, there will be no one in this world except you and me, and my master. Knowing that, we have buried this secret together." Feng Xi said quietly.

"Thank you, the wind."

"You don’t have to thank you first, can you tell me why you have to erase the memory of the river? He has experienced so many and so deep feelings with you that you should let him keep it so that he can love you deeply Life." Feng Xi felt that Huasheng should not erase the river. After all, he was also one of the participants, and with this unforgettable memory, Jiangliu would love Huasheng more.

"This memory is not good. I don't want a little darkness in his life. It doesn't matter if he doesn't love me in the future. I just hope he can live a little easier."

The wind is silent, Hua Sheng has her own choice, she must respect.

After half an hour, everyone was sober, and then left, looking at their expressions, they knew that they had forgotten the period after Hua Sheng's coma.

Half an hour later, a heavy news broke on the international website, and the top genius appraiser SS issued a document announcing that the withdrawal would no longer accept orders, and the entire industry was in an uproar.

After seeing the news, Jiangliu was disappointed with his mobile phone and said to Huasheng, "Asheng, you see, the SS retired. It was too sudden. It is a pity that I have always been looking for opportunities to see her."

Hua Sheng laughed and said nothing.

"What are you laughing at? Mrs. Jiang?" Jiang Liu looked at Hua Sheng strangely.

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