Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3893: : Doubt her

"No, no, no, this money should be paid by me, as much money is fine, even if I buy myself, I will give it to you, as long as you help me and save my dad, I can be a cow and a horse for you! Yu, you are a real brother, no matter whether they succeed or not, I thank you for being busy with me during this time."

"Except for my father, my relative, there is only you."

The little boy named Lu Youzhi was Song Lianyu's friend. The two had a good relationship. It was also because of the good relationship that Song Lianyu helped find a way to find Jiang Xinrui.

When Lu Youzhi heard that Song Lianyu had to pay for himself, he definitely couldn't agree to it. All of his expenses these days were from Song Lianyu. This thing in their family must be no less. Song Lianyu's family conditions are average, and Lu Youzhi knows. , Can no longer drag friends like this.

It's just that Lu Youzhi was looking at the little girl in the lead, and the two behind him, lowered his head with a sense of inferiority, and at the same time he was skeptical. Can this work? Isn't it just looking at the face? This one is better than the other one, how can he deal with his affairs?

Immediately, Lu Youzhi couldn't help holding Song Lianyu and whispered: "Lian Yu, this is not a joke. Others don’t know, don’t you know? The stuff inside is very powerful, we have to kill it, or my dad and I have to die! Besides, it may hurt you and them...I'm not dead to pay, or let them go back, you know, we can't take this risk."

"The biggest goal is to save my dad..."

Lu Youzhi stood by Song Lianyu's side. Didn't he not believe in the strength of the other party, it was because the other party was too young. Lu Youzhi looked at these three people, did they all come of age? If something happens here if he is underage, Lu Youzhi feels that his responsibility would be great.

"Hush...Don't talk nonsense, these three are great gods, they saved me from the river gods. Your brother, I live well, it is their credit! Don't underestimate people, that's me. seen it myself."

Song Lianyu was so dragged by his friend that he almost staggered, especially when he was pulled over to say, Song Lianyu almost changed his face again, watching Jiang Xinrui carefully, for fear of seeing some bad expression on Jiang Xinrui's face.

Originally Jiang Xinrui was not very willing to help him, Song Lianyu was very clear in his heart, who knows how Jiang Xinrui feels better today, or how, if he can come, then there is a show.

To be honest, Song Lianyu never expected to have a goodbye with Jiang Xinrui, but there is no absolute truth. There was an accident in his good brother’s house, and it was this kind of supernatural incident. In addition to knowing Jiang Xinrui who helped him recently, other People, Song Lianyu didn't dare to find him either.

Not to mention the price, Song Lianyu is still very measured in some things, that is, people will help you, and you can't go to the other side of the enemy... This is too sorry Jiang Xinrui.

Although Jiang Xinrui may not care, Song Lianyu still cares a little about his face. Anyway, he also has a long, decent face.

"We are not deaf. Since we are here, we can help, but if you have doubts, we are not obliged to take care of it."

"So what's the matter? Our car didn't stop far, so we can leave at any time."

Jiang Xinrui's distrust of others is an indifferent attitude. She does not rely on this to make money, and she does not need any fame.

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